Do dogs like kissing.

2 years ago

Do dogs like kissing?
Every guardian likes to give affection and kisses to their four-legged friends, right? It's hard to resist the cuteness of furry animals, so many people like to show their love for their pets with physical gestures of affection. But do dogs like kissing?
The answer to the question "do dogs like kissing?" may not be as simple as it seems. The truth is that it can vary greatly according to the personality of each animal. This is because dogs don't have the semantic repertoire of humans and don't associate right away that kisses are forms of affection.
Still, dogs are extremely intelligent and observant animals. Therefore, they can understand with time that human kisses are a way to show affection in everyday life. For some pets, receiving kisses can even work as a form of reward.
For dogs that have a more shy or distant personality, for example, human kisses may not be so pleasant. Therefore, to know if dogs like kisses, the ideal is to observe how each animal reacts to this demonstration of affection.
In addition, the little animals that are not yet used to human kisses may feel threatened. This is because when we kiss our four-legged friends, we bring our face closer to their muzzle, which is considered a very invasive behavior in canine language.
If you notice that your four-legged friend keeps trying to dodge, run away or even growl when you approach to kiss him, this may be an indication that the animal is not so appreciative of this behavior. If this is the case, it is best to respect his wants and needs and not try to force this type of interaction.
This does not mean, however, that he does not love his owner! Dogs show affection in many different ways: wagging their tails, giving the typical licks on their guardian's face, wanting to be held by their guardians when they get scared, and staying close when they notice that their guardian is sad, among several other attitudes.
When it is a more docile and affectionate dog, he may start liking kisses much faster. Animals with this characteristic are very sociable, like to live with humans and show a lot of affection to their guardians on a daily basis.
Besides knowing if dogs like kisses, another question that can generate doubt among the guardians is if kissing dogs or being licked by their four-legged friends can be dangerous for humans.
In general, the risks of catching some disease when kissing a dog are very small thanks to our powerful immune system, which can fight most bacteria.
However, for those who have low immunity at the moment, either because they are sick or going through some kind of treatment, it is better to avoid this contact so as not to run any unnecessary risk.
Now you have already found out that dogs like kisses, but this depends a lot on the animal, is there another more universal way that all dogs like to receive affection?
In general, pets like to be petted on the abdomen, chest, neck and the area below the ears. If they turn on their stomach to be petted, you can bet that this is a great show of trust! This kind of caressing works like a massage that leaves puppies calm and relaxed.
There are some breeds of dogs that are known for being very affectionate. This is the case with the Labrador, the Golden Retriever, the German Shepherd and the Dalmatian, for example. These dogs like to give affection to their owners and expect to receive a lot of attention and love in return. In these cases it may be easier to teach them to like kisses.
The dogs' body language can also tell a lot about their tastes. Even docile, intelligent dogs may dislike cuddles that limit their movement or leave them feeling trapped or smothered in some way.
The most valuable tip for not making a mistake when stroking your furry ones is to understand where your pet likes to be stroked the most and at what time. Many times, our furry friends may hate to be woken up during their sleep, for example, even if it is to be petted.
Therefore, the most important thing when petting is to observe his body expression. If he likes it, he will probably remain relaxed, but if he doesn't like it, he will make it evident by trying to dodge or run away. Respect his wishes and you will certainly create a bond of much love and trust.


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