Contrary to popular belief it wasn't the Titanic that sank it was her sister ship the Olympic

2 years ago

Contrary to popular belief it wasn't the Titanic that sank it was her sister ship the Olympic

This deep analysis uncovers how the British establishment covered up the truth of the Titanic and the reason why it was sunk.

Like Titanic, Olympic was designed by Thomas Andrews and literally built side by side to Titanic in the mammoth Gantries of Harland & Wolff’s shipyards. Olympic was completed and launched almost exactly twelve months before her infamous sister ship on September 20, 1910, and she had a successful maiden voyage on June 14, 1911.

* If the Titanic did not sink, and it was the Olympic that sank, where is the Titanic?

The titanic was named unsinkable (because it was) and the Olympic wasn’t named the unsinkable. The Olympic and the titanic were made like twin sisters, except for a few tiny differences. Before the boarding of the titanic, the Olympic had an accident, which the mechanics did not fix very well. At night before the boarding of the titanic, people swapped the letters of the titanic and the Olympic around.
And to prove that it was the Olympic that went down, divers found pictures of the side of the ship and there was a mark of the letters MP. which is clearly not in the Titanic. The Olympic (which is actually the titanic) sailed for many more years, and never sunk, because of course the titanic was unsinkable.

Conspiracy Theory — It Wasn't The Titanic That Sunk.
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