If you’re never tired, it means you’re not hustling.

2 years ago

If you're never tired, it means you're not hustling. If you never question the road you're on, it means you aren't thinking about your future.

But when you're tired and ready to quit, that is the most important time to get up, get out the door, and hustle. Hustle like you never have before, push yourself past your breaking point. If something breaks, you fix it and make it stronger so that it doesn't break again. If you break, get up and be stronger, be better tomorrow. That is the only way your dreams will become your reality.

#lovethelifeyouchoose #hustlethensidehustle #embracenature #workharder #roperiderodeo #modernnature #monatmarketpartner #pushyourselfeveryday #bettertomorrow #alittlebitstronger #tiredisok #dontquit #focusonthehorizon

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