Pfizer Report Raises More Questions Than It Answers: Naomi Wolf W/ Steve Bannon: 35% cited, "NOT RECOVERED"

2 years ago

"Of the 42,086 patients that Pfizer looked at in their internal documents, 1223 of them DIED - death was the outcome. That's 3.7% of the total."

"Point being, if we knew how many doses were shipped by Pfizer, we would understand what level of death this represents - BUT Pfizer REDACTED that number - of how many total doses they shipped, so we can not know what level of death this represents - except we do know that 4 of the people who were injected with the vaccine died the day they were injected and PFIZER DID NOT TELL, THE FDA DID NOT TELL US."

"... however, they played with this sub-category too, as we'll hear. Of the 32,686 patients... but again, these were patients
and nearly half of them are MISSING - we don't know what happened to them.

Of the 32,686 patients, with known outcomes - 35% or 11, 361 are cited as NOT RECOVERED, but that's all we know. "Did that 11, 361 patients survive the Pfizer vaccine?'... and this is a quote from the analyst - that is a question mark.

60% are lumped together as RECOVERED / RECOVERING [not recovered] - that's how Pfizer analyzed what happened to them.
And the analyst asked, 'Did recovering cases get well?'"

FDA agreed with Pfizer that it would be too burdensome to follow-up as has always been done!!

Mirrored: Steve Bannons War Room Published April 23, 2022

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