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Repentance and Salvation | Soteriology 01
Today we look at repentance and salvation! What is repentance? What does it have to do with soteriology, the doctrine of salvation?
This is Soteriology Part 1!
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
#repentance #salvation #soteriology #repent #changeofmind #definerepentance #doctrineofsalvation #bibleline #repentanceandsalvation
hi welcome to bible line i'm your host pastor jesse martinez and today's video is part one of a preaching series i did
in the beginning of this year called soteriology and specifically today's message is going to look at repentance
and salvation i really believe that this may be one of the most important preaching series on youtube right now i
want to encourage you to watch it and be here when the next few videos come out if you have any questions make sure you
leave them in the comments or shoot us an email i really hope this is beneficial to you and that you learn
more about salvation according to what the bible says [Music]
good so i wanted to talk about this because there are a lot of things that i'm
hearing about soteriology and please i hope you understand this is going to be
this is very this is this is a teaching message it's not necessarily where i'm going to
go into the scripture and use illustrations and you know point out an issue we are going to get
into the scripture but we're going to get into the details of this doctrine of soteriology this is the doctrine of
salvation and it's important that we understand all the aspects of it what it is not
what it is the terminology that is used that is correct and biblical the terminology that is used it's just
propaganda it's just a turn of phrase that's been used and it's nowhere in the bible it's important that we understand
these things because this is how we are able to determine if someone is a child of god or not
we have to be able to understand is what this person trusting in
enough to save them this is where this is where we boil it out boil it down to the main thing i'm
going to read you an excerpt that was sent from my friend
this is my friend cody he was in a ministry well he actually wasn't in a
ministry but he was very confused for a long time literally took the words of jesus when
he said you have to feed the poor you have to help the sick and all these things and he thought to himself how can i use my
business to start a soup kitchen to start a ministry so that i can say i've done these things
he was taking verses about discipleship and applying them to salvation because somebody was teaching him that
somebody was teaching him that discipleship and salvation they're the same thing that is not true
and we have to understand the terminology that's used in order to understand what the bible is clearly
teaching i want you to listen to this here
jesus understanding of belief in him contradicts today's prevailing gospel which declares salvation to be a free
gift that costs a person nothing jesus unequivocally called men to calculate the cost before making a decision to
follow him there's two things here number one free grace is not the prevailing gospel
i don't know what world this author is living in but free grace is not the prevailing gospel the prevailing gospel right now
is the prosperity gospel it is i give i pray i tithe i do good
things and therefore the lord has to give me success here on the earth that is the prevailing gospel message the
name it claim it gospel then underneath that is the lordship salvation i've
given my life to the lord i remember this day in 1966 i gave my life to the lord it's so interesting i was at a yard
sale yesterday or excuse me i was at the flea market yesterday and someone had gotten rid of their bible and it had all
these different notes in it and it was amazing to me that someone had gotten rid of that maybe that person had passed away but i i started looking like okay
what do they say about first john 3 9 where they say about first john 5 13. this guy was he was clear he was on it
but in the front of his bible he said that he was saved in 1966. i hope that
he had a correct understanding of what salvation is because the day of your salvation is not the day that you had an emotional experience to give your life
to the lord that ain't it it's not what it is this author is contending that belief
it means 100 percent it is a decision to follow him does the scripture prove that
out that's some of the things that we're going to look at in this series here's another quote from that same
author if a person has any reservations about obeying the lord or is unwilling to relinquish anything or any sin he is
not ready to repent and believe in christ for salvation if such a person is encouraged to make a decision to be
saved there has to be works to back it up listen that's what is being printed and
going into the hands of people around the world
i i say this respectfully but just a few pages down a few pages over you get this
statement we intend to follow and obey him though we may not understand much of what it means
let me let me put the breaks here for a second do you know what that's telling somebody you've got to turn from it all
you gotta forsake it all but we don't know really what that is
you know how much fear that puts in the heart of a honest person who's just trying to get saved
they look at their leaders for answers to their questions and they say
we don't really know but you got to get rid of it all i was listening to
wretched radio the other day it could be called wrecked radio and todd for real is on there he's not
for real about the gospel but he was going through and someone asked the question his name was jack or jake and i
want to make a video called dear jake from wretched radio watch this because this is was his question how
many sins do i have to turn away from to know i'm saved and todd for i don't know if you've ever
watched retro a record radio whatever it is but he does this camera stuff where he's like in and out like wow it's like
really you know exciting stuff and he basically says this well you know the bible says you gotta turn from them
all but you know we can't do that you just gotta do your best jake
you just gotta do your best hundreds of thousands of views hundreds of thousands of views
it doesn't save that's not the gospel message we're gonna look at that word repent
that's actually the first part of this this three-part series we intend to follow and obey him this is from the
author again though we may not yet understand much of what it means for we realize that he is
the only one who can rescue us from our desperate state to state it another way it is impossible for us to save
ourselves you see how backwards this is it's one thing and then it's another and when you
get down to the nitty-gritty you find out you're a sinner you can't stop sinning no matter how many times you try
and according to this man's gospel you're not going to go because you're trusting in yourself
you have to trust in some product that you can produce isn't that scary i think that's scary
and so i was getting those messages over the past couple weeks and i thought you know bible doctrines 2
has an excellent description of soteriology and this is from dr mark cameron's book bible doctrines which is
available in pdf format maybe the next time we go live on facebook we can put in the we can put a link to this here so
you can see what's going on dr mark cameron who um i believe dr gilbert sat
under am i correct and uh dr gilbert made this powerpoint years ago i edited
some things just for uh visual clarity and i want to apologize some of the verses on here they have to be on there
but they're tiny okay so just bear with me and if you want a copy of this we can secure a copy of it for you but over the
next couple of weeks maybe a third week we're going to be going into detail about soteriology the doctrine of salvation why is this important because
it's the way to eternal life and we've got to make sure that we know what it is and
our antennas are up and we hear what it's not the first thing we want to talk about
here is a word about the word repentance repentance is necessary for salvation
repentance is necessary for salvation and i'll talk about that in a little bit
we're going to look at acts 17 18 a part of verse 23 through 25 and 29-34 he
preached unto them jesus and the resurrection him declare i unto you god that made the world and all things
therein seeing that he is lord of heaven and earth dwelleth not in temples made
with hands neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed anything seeing he giveth to all life and breath
and all things for as much then as we are the offspring of god we ought not to think that the godhead
is like unto gold or silver or stone graven by art and man's device and the
times of this ignorance god winked at but now command of all men everywhere to
repent we ought to know what that word means because it's very clear god is
commanding us to repent the author we just looked at offers the definition that it is a turning from
something a giving up of something on your part and a promise to do something else
we are wrong when we say you do not have to repent to get saved
we're wrong when we say that we have to understand what the word means
it's not a difficult word but it's important to know what it means because he has appointed a day in which
he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained
whereof he hath given assurance unto all men in that he raised him from the dead who is this
this is jesus who is being spoken of here read that again understanding the the
one who is being spoken of because he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that
man jesus whom he hath ordained whereof he had given assurance unto all men in that he
raised him from the dead jesus's resurrection is proof that he was who he claimed to be and he did
exactly what he cried out on the cross it was completed it is finished
how be it certain men claim unto him and believed it's a good passage because you have the
command to repent and then you have the result of that proper repentance so
let's look at the word if you're taking notes we're going to have the point on the left side of the
screen and then we'll have an explanation the previous point will stay for the next point so i encourage you to
write down things as we go along repentance what it is not number one it
is not reformation it is not turning from something it is not a reforming of yourself
into something else by yourself okay reformation is a good thing we do
this every january uh first and we start on december 29th and 30th and 31st we're
looking at how can we reform ourselves but specifically repentance is not a turning from sin
it's not a physical turning around i will promise to do these things this is a quote from dr mark cameron
repentance is not doing something for no man is saved because he gives up something you know the scripture proves
that out not of works lest any man should boast if we're honest and direct we can look
at not of works lest any man should boast and say any turning of sin on my part is a work
but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifies the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness but to him that worketh
not so no the command here from god in in in
the passage in acts 17 we just looked at is not to turn from their sin
it is not contrition or sorrow for sin and this is a long quote here but it's
good so if you can read it that's good if not just just listen to my voice this is a commentator here bratis used
to say that this is the worst translation in the new testament okay that's a pretty serious claim we should
be able to back it up what's going on here the trouble is that the english word repent the english word repent
means to be sorry again from the la from the latin as you can see up there i'm not going to try to pronounce that
john did not call the people to be sorry but to change think afterwards their
mental attitudes the vulgate has it do penance and wycliffe has followed that
the old syriac has it better turn ye the french has it as
as it's written up there this is john's great word and it has been hopelessly mistranslated the
tragedy of it is we have no english word that reproduces exactly the meaning and atmosphere of the greek word the greek
word has a meaning to be sorry which is exactly our english word repent and it is used of judas in matthew 27 3. that's
from a.t robertson now what does this say this is not a cop-out this is not to say well we
really don't know what the word means we do know what the word means in greek we understand what the word means the
problem is in the translation it's been translated as a word that has changed
its meaning and this is not the only word in the scripture that has done this
the word let used to mean hinder now it means allow and so when you look at second
thessalonians chapter two he that letteth will let no more you're like what does that mean but when you look at
the greek and you don't have to be a greek scholar you have e-sword on your computer which
is a free program and you download the exhaustive straws concordance you can see the greek word and the first
definition is how it is most often translated and the further you go down it's translated less and at the end you
can see it's translated this word this many times it's translated this word this many times and what you have to
find out is you got to go to the context and see is that correct this is why we harp on context is king
we can't look at one verse and say okay i gotta crack everything in this one verse you've got to look at ten verses
before and ten verses after and you'll understand if that's correct strong's concordance is not god
but they've done a very good job of translating the word and we can use that
but no jesus is not saying that all men need to be sorry for their sin
or god is not god is not asking that being sorry for sin is not repentance but it can lead to repentance and that's
what we're about to look at here that's from dr mark cameron second corinthians chapter 7 and verse 10 says this for
godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the
sorrow of the world worketh death number three it's not penance and here in the tampa bay area in town and country
this is what a lot of people think the word repent means how many of you were raised in a catholic church or have come
from a catholic background please raise your hand that's a lot of people it is not penance it is not an act done
to pay for sin folks one payment has already been applied for sin it's jesus christ blood
his offering of his body on the cross any kind of act that you and i do listen
when we say i'm going to give penance for my salvation do you know that you're taking your good works and elevating them to
the same level as the offered body and sacrifice blood of jesus
i don't want to stand around you you might get struck by holy lightning you know what i'm saying
and some some may think this is a mockery of the catholic church it's not this is an analysis of the scripture
which is what we should be doing every sunday and wednesday when we have service
in the roman church system priests hear confessions of sins and meet out penances to be performed as punishment
for those sins and to earn forgiveness for those sins but the bible says that the wages of sin the wages sin pays is
not punishment nor penance but death you see how the catholic church is
dishonest in what is required you have two you have two prevailing
voices within the catholic church you have the priests and the pope and the system the cardinals and bishops and
all those guys the leadership then you have the word of god how many times has the pope said
something in the last 10 years that completely contradicts this book many times
many times that is a warning warning warning red flag
why is he not saying something that matches up with the bible is he not the vicar of christ is he not the mouthpiece
of god that's a whole another thing for a whole another day okay
but you've got to choose you're going to listen to the leadership or you're going to listen to the bible and if you listen to the leadership are they listening to
the bible it's important the wages sin pays is not punishment
nor penance which is taught as purgatory right i've never been to a catholic funeral but i've had people that have
gone and they say in every single one there's not one catholic that has died where the
priest says we all know he's in hell oh we know that's where he is
what do they say he's probably in purgatory or in a better place
for all the work the catholics wants you to do to stay out of hell when you die you just go to heaven or purgatory
anyway what's going on here it's not the truth it falls apart it has
holes the foundation is not secure romans 6 23 teaches this point what it
is so if you're writing down notes you're entering into a new thought here what it is it is a change of mind the
greek word metanoia as a noun or metineo as a verb says this a change of mind to
change one's mind this is not as people take it further to say it's a change of mind that leads to a change of
action that's not the definition that is not the definition of the word
can a person have a change of mind for salvation and then have a course correction of action for
service yes and that is what is expected when jesus says count the cost because it will cost
but it does not mean that a proof of salvation has to have works to back it
up that's not the word the word just says a change of mind and those are the greek words
that we have to look and understand the definition of before anyone is saved there must be
repentance we're going to continue this theme for a little bit before anyone is saved there must be
repentance and this is what a change of mind i like to sub the word with the
definition a change of mind an unbeliever might have to change his mind
about god acts 20 and verse 21 says testifying
both to the jews and also to the greeks repentance towards god and faith toward
our lord jesus christ the book of acts is a wonderful historical analysis on
how to build a church it is wonderful it is wonderful and the passages and the
preaching and the strong language that comes out of the book of acts every single message when it uses the word
repent points to it as a change of mind you'll see in a moment here when we look at acts chapter 2
peter is talking to the jews and he's saying you crucified him you need to repent about that
turn from be sorry ask penance you need to change your mind
about who you thought he was isn't it great when you're building a puzzle and you're looking for that piece
for hours and you finally find the piece and you put it down so well there's a little
little exit of air as that piece fits perfectly
the proper definition of repent as a change of mind is that puzzle piece going right in
it fits perfectly and we're not cutting the puzzle
you know i can't find this piece i'm just going to make my own no even then you're not going to get that
airtight seal right they're going to get that factory seal this is the proper understanding of the
word and praise god that we are able to understand it isn't it wonderful to have these truths
the world has maligned this word the baptist movement for years has camped out on this
oh you gotta turn there's been whole messages turn and burn turn a burn
turn into your bible and understand the word so an unbeliever might have to repent
change their mind about god testifying both to the jews and also to the greeks repentance
toward what or who god and faith toward our lord jesus christ you study the audience there and
this was applicable you need to change your mind about who you think god is and have faith in the one that he sent
you know when it says in john whosoever do it the will of my father what's the will of the father that you would believe on him who he hath sent
this is wonderful this is where you can take that word obey and you can obey the gospel by simple faith in him wonderful
the puzzle pieces are just sliding into place amen an unbeliever might have to change their
mind about god about jesus this is the long passage with the tiny print okay
if you will take your bibles and go to acts chapter 2. because you know what i don't even think i can read that
i was working on this last night and i was like man i can't i can't make a 80-foot slide you know what i'm saying
acts chapter 2. peter is talking here let me just let me just remind you a couple of months ago i got a phone call
from a lady who wanted to contend about this word repent she was harassing me
just calling me all sorts of things and going on and i just look i said look at the context look at the context because
she says acts 238 and she's walking around like she's got a you know well she has a weapon this is it acts 238 is
proof that calvary community church is wrong let us look at what the scripture says
look in verses acts chapter 2 verses 22 through 24 jesus of nazareth a man approved of god
among you i tried to read it from the slide i'm sorry ye men of israel hear these words
jesus of nazareth a man approved of god among you by miracles and wonders and signs which god did put in him in the
midst of you as you yourselves also know him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of god ye have
taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain whom god hath raised up having
loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holding of it and all the church said amen
that's some good stuff and i didn't write that look at verses 32-33
this jesus hath raised hath god raised up wherefore we are all witnesses therefore being by the right
hand of god exalted talking about jesus in his current position and having received of the father the promise of
the holy ghost he hath shed forth this which ye now see and hear
how is that being communicated peter is showing him and he's telling him
you killed him this is what god says about him
this is where the children would go uh oh you ever made a mistake as a kid
i was what i don't know how this came up on my feed but there was a channel called work fails
on youtube lots of os there's a guy buffing in a grocery store
and he comes around a corner and he just lightly touches a big barrel full of wine
and you see the top bottle go boom crash and the whole thing i mean the floor is red with wine you know
saying it's like uh oh the guy's at the buffer he goes like this
oh his buddies out here like
i thought we were gonna get paid this week or i get paid for a couple of months
he's showing them a point here he's saying this is what you thought this is the truth
look there in verses 36 and 38 therefore let all the house of israel
know assuredly this is not ponder and wonder and write theological books if if
we don't really know what it means to turn from sin but we're going to try our be no know assuredly that god hath made that
same jesus whom ye hath crucified lord and christ and the point here is not
shame on you jewish people that's not the point the point is change your mind and believe on him
look what it says in verse 37 now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart
and said unto peter and to the rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do i think
there's a logical case here that they got saved right there because they heard the evidence
they saw the truth and they believed
and some men were curious a couple years ago there was a famous easter production and they got to this part and they
destroyed it the character who played peter when he was asked what must we do to be saved
he literally said turn from sin and ask him into your heart that's a heresy
you know why it's a heresy it's changing the word of god to say something that it does not say
look what it says in verse 38 then peter said unto them repent
you see how clearly this is a change of mind the greek word there is metanoia
remember nao and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins
and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost water baptism doesn't save you
when they believed they're sealed
that's good stuff people need everybody around the world needs to change their mind about jesus
do you see how we're living in a time where the whole world is united against god
it is scary i was talking to my uncle the other day we're talking about doing an esl second language course here
and i was talking to my uncle and he you know i was like well we'll provide a phone number on the church and we'll get somebody who speaks spanish to man the
phone my uncle goes don't worry about that google
oh we said their name we're being tracked google now you can buy a phone excuse me you can
sign up for a soft phone and the native software is able to translate
identify the language in which is being spoken and translate in your language on your
account do you realize how crazy that is that you can literally get a phone call
from anywhere around the world and have an intelligent conversation the ho and what is the mindset of the
world right now not about god we are in full blown secular humanism
a humanistic utopia is what is trying to be set up hmm i wonder what that sounds like maybe a
one world government conspiracy theorist come on let's take the tin foil hat off and look
at the reality of things we just heard a world leader say you know what when you
get sick it's because your dna is messed up don't you know so we need to give you an injection to change your dna no
problem what keep that away from me
can't wait for a world leader that's what our world's looking for but when you see this passage understood
properly people need to have a change of mind about who jesus is
this is who he is oop sorry
right here he is both lord and christ you got to make him the lord of your life he's
already got that title he's not waiting for you to claim that title for him
that's good we're going to get into that too they need to uh an unbeliever might have
to repent change their mind about god jesus and the way of salvation
acts 17 verses 30 through 31 and the times of this ignorance god winked out
but now commandeth all men everywhere to what to change their mind
because he at the point of the day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained you need to change your mind
because if you die without doing so you're going to stand in judgment
and you'll be judged by your works and you will fall short
wherefore he hath given assurance unto all men in that he raised him from the dead the resurrection of jesus christ is
our assurance first corinthians 15 says if we don't have the resurrection we are of all men
miserable what does he mean by that you know i don't know if you remember in
acts chapter five the apostles are about to get their bodies lit up by the council and i'm not
talking about they're gonna get new clothes they're gonna get new scars and marks they're about to be beaten
and gamaliel says whoa whoa hey hey hey hey before we strike these men
let's look at some other uh things that have come up recently with you know cult-like followings and see how they ended and he gives three or uh
two or three examples oh this guy he was real popular and he had a following and then he died and the
following dispersed and if you remember this guy he did the same thing i had a cult like following and then he
died and it dispersed what's the difference with jesus he came back from the dead
and his apostles are pretty lit up about it they're excited
they have power they are doing miracles
and emilio says we better make sure that we are not punishing something that
is from god and you know what the council did okay
and they beat him they beat him that's the famous passage where it says
we ought to obey god rather than men [Music]
the way of salvation his resurrection gives what we need to change our mind
about that i'm not going to trust in somebody's gravesite that i can visit and their bodies in there
i got to see the gravesite at israel right one and we walked in brother and it was empty
wasn't it praise god praise god that i don't have to go visit
the body of christ somewhere there's nothing in the world like it an unbeliever might have to change their
mind about god about jesus about the way of salvation and about self righteousness
romans 10 verses 2 through 4 for i bear them record that they have a zeal for
god but not according to knowledge this is all the famous preachers right now
they have a zeal for god but it's not according to knowledge we just had that scripture read in matthew chapter 7 lord lord have we not
works works and these works and what does jesus say
depart from me workers of iniquity i never knew listen what does that mean that means that they were trusting in
their self-righteousness that they were trusting in the things that they had done to save them they did
not repent change their mind and believe on him
they have a zeal for god this is specifically about the jews but we can look at anybody who's trusting in themselves to be saved and say they have
a zeal they're excited they're faithful they're doing but not according to knowledge
you know this this weekend i gotta get my water heater changed i can somehow buy a miracle of god get
excited about that right and i can be excited and i go to home depot and i buy the first one that
i see and i pay for it and i put it in my truck and i go to my house and i
just so excited to change the water heater and i just look at it and say this is simple
just get a thingy with the thingy and lefty loosey righty-tighty and i don't you know what i'm saying
i have a zeal to get it done but i have no idea what i'm doing
if i don't shut off the water i'm gonna call my brand new home insurance and they'll probably drop me
you know what i'm saying if i buy the real tall water heater it's going under
my stairs that's not going to work
i can be excited about changing our garbage disposal oh yay and not have any idea how to do it
except buy the thing do you understand the comparison here
people are maybe excited about god but it's not according to knowledge because this book has been abandoned
people have decided to write books about this book and people take that book over this one
we need to know what it says and obey it for they being ignorant of god's
righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves into the
righteousness of god for christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that what
believeth it would be a shame for a lost person to
die and not have the righteousness of god they'll be judged according to their works and they'll fall short
there needs to be a change of mind about self-righteousness how is that attained by believing on jesus
he gives you everything that you'll ever need lastly an unbeliever might have to repent about god jesus the way of
salvation self-righteousness and what god requires because of sins romans 6 23 is a simple verse yet very
profound for the wages of sin is death this is what it yields
separation from god but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord i'm gonna
get my phone back out here knowing what we know so far about what we just discussed
we can then look at what the author before us said and compare it against scripture and see
what is correct jesus understanding
of belief in him contradicts today's prevailing gospel which declares salvation to be a free gift that costs a
person nothing jesus unequivocally called men to calculate the cost making a decision to follow him
may i present to you romans chapter 6 in verse 23 which contradicts the writings of this
man i may keep that book i'm never going to give it to anybody
it's not teaching the truth well why are you so hard why are you so strong on this the reason why i'm hard
and strong i'm not hard and strong towards this individual i'm hard and strong against that teaching because people will follow it and die
and go to hell and that's a shame we're not talking about a million years and then they get out this is eternity
they will be forgotten by you and me but the smoke of their torment will ascend forever
if a person has any reservations about obeying the lord or is unwilling to relinquish anything or any sin he is not
ready to repent and believe in christ for salvation let me read that with the proper understanding of repent if a person has
any reservations about obeying the lord or is unwilling to relinquish anything or any sin he is not ready to change his
mind and believe in christ for salvation that doesn't make sense it got printed
it got bought what brings about repentance
well you have two columns here to the unbeliever the goodness of god
romans chapter 2 and verse 4 says or despises thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and
long-suffering not knowing that the goodness of god leadeth thee to repentance
the goodness of god is what was demonstrated on the cross of calvary that leads you to a place where you can
change your mind and this is a decision that you make god is not going to force this upon you
he's not going to first grab your heart and make you do something he wants you to choose him
and thank goodness we have jesus to point us to that
to unbelievers what brings about repentance is the gospel of god second peter 3 9 the lord is not slack
concerning his promises as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us word not willing that any should
perish but that all should come to repentance do you realize what this verse teaches that god is ever patient
he's ever patient those of you who have had children or have children now
get ready to be patient with them as they learn how to grab milk out of
their cup as they learn how to take cereal up into their mouths
as they learn what they need to learn and create messes and are uncoordinated
and difficult at times you are to demonstrate the same kind of patience and loving discipline there
that god has demonstrated to you amen that's why parenting is a joy it should be a joy i really don't like when i see
the world make having a child a career killer oh it's the end because we have a child
did you know that you were a child at one point someone had to love you and care for you
repentance brings about to the unbeliever the gospel to the believers it's scripture teaching
which is what we're doing now second timothy chapter 2 verses 24-25 and the servant of the lord must not strive but
be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if god
pre-adventure will give them repentance to acknowledging of the truth as you and i learn these definitions we
learn these verses properly we should we should be willing to turn that around and teach
and teach not stand on the street corner and condemned without proper understanding
that's not teaching
to believers it brings about god's chastening we're talking about this tonight hebrews chapter 12 verses 9 through 11
shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the father spirits and live for they verily for a few days
chastened us after their own pleasure but he for our prophet that we might be partakers of his holiness now no
chastening for the presence seemed to be joyous but grievous nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable
fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby as you are disciplined by the lord
you should be doing one of these maybe that's not a good thing
maybe i should stop doing that i need to change my mind about this
and do this thank you god who is our father
this is the point of his chastening i can't go into much of it because then we'll just have sunday night here
but it's a wonderful passage that talks about how god disciplines
i don't know if you guys remember a specific time as a child when you were when you were disciplined for doing
something wrong and i don't know about you but for me it didn't take long for me to realize i don't want to do
that again you know but a lot of christians are acting like i'm going to do it again and
i'm going to get disciplined i'm going to do it again i'm going to get disciplined and you know what god's not going to go
and strike you down he's going to go all right let's go better for you to be here than there
so you have that to look forward to or you can get it right and change your mind about what you're doing
and align it with what god says is good faith
romans chapter 1 verses 16 through 17 says this for i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it
is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the jew first
and also to the greek this is how it was rolled out for therein is the righteousness therein
is this therein the gospel of christ is the righteousness of god revealed from faith
to faith as it is written the just shall live by turning from sin
do you see that there and you can take these definitions that people offer you and match it up with scripture and see remember they don't
work romans 3 28 says this therefore we conclude that a man is
justified by faith without the deeds of the law
without the works well you've got to be willing to turn therefore is a man justified therefore
we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law yeah but you got to turn without the deeds of the law yeah but you've got to turn
without the deeds of the law who's going to win that argument it should be the bible
the word of god that's clearly taught faith is just believing the greek word
pistus pastillo as a verb faith believe believe in faith as the greek shows are
just the verb and noun for a concept that is really no different in english than in greek that concept is taking
people at their word trusting what they say is true god doesn't need our money works or
resolutions what we just saw in acts that he's the one
who sustains all things he's not worshipped in temples made with hands
in fact the temple design had to be given divinely and those two are gone there'll be a
third one and that'll be good for a little while and then this whole thing is going to be destroyed and we're going to have a new
heaven and a new earth god doesn't need us to give him things
god's not running around life and saying boy if i just had a little more faith from larry i'd be able to get through
the day but he just wants to play piano oh how larry hinders me
keep playing though brother you know what i'm saying we need you but he would like to be taken at his
word i like how that's written god is looking at us and saying well
do you trust me and isn't it a shame that people look at the god of the universe who literally
spoke things into into existence and they say this no
no i don't believe in i don't even believe you exist nevertheless my body is a living
testimony of your creative power or no i am not going to take you out my word
i'm going to offer you something better do you not see how that is the heart of cain
or they say yes i believe you but i'm going to do these things just in case that's not that's not trusting
somebody can you imagine if a marriage started off that way yes till death do us part but
let's set up some conditions when i married my wife i said for better
or for worse and praise god it's been pretty pretty good i hope she would say the same
don't talk to her after service i'm just kidding he would like to be taken at his word he
doesn't like to be made out to be a liar god wants to be believed
you realize when we say no we're calling him a liar when we say no that it's not by faith
oh but my dreams are better oh but these people that flop about like a fish
there they have the real proof you're calling god a liar
that's a serious accusation and may i humbly say if you're here today
and you've had an incorrect understanding of repentance this ministry does not hate you i don't hate
you i want you to understand what it really means and get saved and you can be
saved right now right where you're sitting you can simply change your mind about what you thought and put your trust in jesus but
don't i have to no that's it i want to have to walk down the aisle
and wait for you to sing the 16th verse of just as i am no i was listening to a baptist church
it was a highlight reel with this guy it was a 20 minute invitation that poor piano player
you know slaving and the guy starts with if you want to get saved today come on down
by the eighth time he's like if you want to just live a better life come on down by the 20th verse he's like if you have
eyeballs and you can hear me just come on down and people are like well i mean you know
it's me i am here he just wants to be believed you don't
have to walk an aisle you don't have to sign up for this church the people here that understand the
gospel want you to know this and get saved today in a minute i'll give an invitation and i'll ask for a raise of hands that
doesn't save you it just lets me know and we get to have a little party it's fun it's exciting when people get
saved it's wonderful it's the only thing that matters i went to an estate sale yesterday and we found
this really nice wool coat a long one i look like i'm a new yorker now you know and we're going to state sale
and lucy's in one room and i'm talking with jan in another room and the boys are doing things and lucy's like hey
come here check this out i put this thing on it fits like a glove it's awesome you know and as a big dude that's tough
i put that thing and i'm like this is the exact time that i need this it's going to be 30 degrees tomorrow i put it on and i ask for the price it's
5. it was five dollars i tried to button it and i couldn't i
said that's okay i'll lose weight this is great
yeah it's a five dollar wool coat that's cool but it's not as good as somebody trusting christ
that's better than any deal or bargain or good thing that happens to us we should be living a life that's set on
leading people to christ and about that message whoop
okay okay jesse stop here so that's where we'll stop
can we get that slide in every mess yeah i know really really close your bibles and look up here if we
can get the lights turned back on warn if you can get these uh spots here for me
now we just started in this series it's a it's a long powerpoint i'm going to be talking about it next week and we'll
talk about it the week after as well we're going to look at all the different phrases and we're just going to simply offer up scripture to test those things
well are they true is giving your life a part of the salvation process is it a natural part
of the salvation process is turning from sin something that you should be doing after you're saved to
stay saved or just to be in god's uh just to be an ability for god to bless you and we're going to go through
these things and we're going to look at the scripture and i encourage you very very strongly to be here or be on the
live stream we're going to edit these we're going to put them on sermon audio these three we will put up on youtube because i think
it'll be a good benefit but make sure you come ready to learn
i love doing these powerpoints they're just it's good to put it up there on on the screen and and get it all out there so
everybody can see it and understand illustrations are important they help
communicate a message and the illustration that you've seen that you're going to see again
led a lot of people to the lord over the past month in a va hospital
it impacted dr hank lindstrom who went on to impact thousands for christ
you hear yankee say in a little old living room in athens georgia the wallet illustration wasn't there but the gospel message was
and he got saved and he learned this
this is not the method of salvation you've got to see the wallet god's not going to go did you see the wallet
no you know people can go to a catholic church and a catholic priest might get it right and somebody gets saved
because it's not about the messenger it's about the message what is this communicating
this hand will represent you and me my wallet will represent sin i'm going to put this on top of my hand because
the bible says for all of sin and come short of the glory of god the wages of sin is death eternal
separation from god forever in a place called hell god loves us but he does hate this sin
he hates this sin because it separates us from him in order to get to heaven we have to be
perfect just like god and we all fall short that's the definition of sin to miss the mark
a lot of churches a lot of religions our teaching works for salvation i'm
going to let this song agenda here represent works this is turning from sin this is the
improper understanding of repentance this is saying that you've got to have miracles to show that you're really saved or you've got to live a life of
discipline to show that you're really saved it's any kind of message that contradicts what the bible says and they say this well you've got your sin and
you do this and when god gets to heaven he'll judge these two and whichever one has more weight he will honor if you
have more good works you'll get to heaven if you don't have enough good works you'll go to hell that's not what the bible teaches
for the wages of sin is death that's what we get when we do this oh i'm gonna work it out
for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it's the gift of god
not of works lest any man should boast of the seven that is four points and
it's all bad news this hand for the sake of this illustration will represent jesus christ
and john 3 16 so adequately illustrates what was done but jesus was perfect he had no sin he
was not born of natural conception like you and me he didn't have a sin nature that he had to fight through and
overcome he didn't have it he is fully god and he is fully man
and he said to nicodemus in the dead of night for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting
life for god so loved the world that's you and me that he gave his only begotten son
that's jesus christ that whosoever hello that's you and me whosoever believeth in him
whosoever believeth in him what does it mean to believe to take him at his word
yes i believe that you died on the cross for my sins you were buried you rose again i believe that was the payment
from my sin immediately you are past from death unto life you are given a new
nature you have a new name in heaven there are promises that are now applied and accredited to your account
colossians 1 says that you are translated into the kingdom of his dear son you're already there
by simply saying yes i believe what you said is true
that's good stuff now you have a fellowship with him that is maintained by you but it's kept
by him i don't want this anymore
i don't want to let me go nope that's guess what you're his child now
he knows what's best for you and he's made a promise that when he saves you he does it eternally
isn't that good stuff that is the word of god illustrated in that illustration
would you bow your head please and close your eyes this is the end of our message as we are about to pray and sing a
closing song by warren i want to ask you a question if you're
here today maybe as a new visitor maybe you've been coming for a little bit this year maybe you've been here for years
i want to ask you what are you trusting in to get you to heaven are you trusted in a decision that you made years ago
out of your own effort and your own promise to do good works for god
have you simply by faith believed what god has said about your salvation and believe that he
did it for you maybe you've never done that until today maybe
during the message you changed your mind you repented and you believed on jesus for salvation
if you did that today i would like to pray for you i ask for heads bowed and eyes closed for privacy
but is there anyone by a raised hand that would just say pastor jesse would you pray for me today i got
it and i trusted christ anyone at all before we close raising your hand doesn't save you
if you believed on christ and you don't raise your hand that doesn't mean it doesn't count
but if you would raise your hand and let me know i'd be really happy about that anyone at all before we close
heads are bowed and eyes are still closed i just read you one x or
there are thousands of books out there that teach this same junk about the word repent
about what salvation truly is and what it is not i want to encourage you to make time to be here and if you can't be
here make time to watch it when these videos go live please share them
not so that we can get stats in number i don't care about that i want someone to be challenged with the
bible and come to a change of mind pray for this ministry we pray for you
and we love that you're here father thank you so much
for your word which is clear and we can understand it lord i ask for those that are here this
morning i've been challenged for the first time on this idea of biblical salvation that
they would change their mind and believe on jesus for the salvation of their souls bring us back here safely tonight
we love you so much lord in jesus name we pray amen
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