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This is a recipe for coconut chia seed dessert that will appeal to keto dieters, kids, vegetarians, and even vegans—a it's crowd-pleaser.

This version thickens up in about an hour owing to the rich coconut cream added. I have another overnight oats instruction that includes chia, but this version thickens up in about an hour thanks to the luscious coconut cream added.

This is a terrific alternative for meal prep, breakfast, or even dessert; feel free to get creative! ;)

If you're missing oats, make this dish right away!

You will need the following ingredients:

- 1/4 cup, coconut milk unsweetened
- 1/4 cup, Coconut Cream
- 2 Tbsp, Organic Chia Seeds
- 1/2 tsp, nutmeg, ground
- 25 drops, liquid, Stevia Clear - Liquid Stevia
- 1 tsp, Coconut Flakes - Unsweetened
- 2 tsp, Sliced Almonds
- 1/2 tsp, Pure Vanilla Extract
- 1/2 tsp, Coconut Flavor
- 1/16 (a pinch), Redmond's Real Salt

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