Haut-Beyleron / MapTour / FS22 / PC / LockNutz

3 years ago

Haut-Beyleron / MapTour / FS22 / PC / LockNutz Bonjour and Howdy to you as we go on a MapTour of Haut-Beyleron based in the rolling hills of France! This map is one of three starting maps that is available for you to play on FS22. With a variety of field sizes and a thick forestry area, Haut-Beyleron gives options on how you want to start your journey to Farm Sim Greatness! As icing on the cake, Haut-Beyleron is full of beautiful scenery to get lost in as you are tilling up the land or driving your wool to the local spinnery on top of the largest hill. No matter which way you slice it, you need to be prepared to get yourself lost in hours of fun and wonder it this amazing map. Come along with me and check this out!


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