More High-Rep Squats With 185: Edging Closer to 50 Reps

2 years ago

Four minutes of pure misery! This time I used the same weight (185 pounds) that I did eight weeks ago, but managed an additional eight reps. Hopefully within another couple of months I'll be able to hit 50 reps with it. Then I'll increase the weight a bit and start building up reps again. My goal for this year is to get 50 reps with at least 200.

After that squat set I didn't have much left in me, but I did manage a couple of sets of Z presses and close-grip sternum chins (only one set on camera). I decided to experiment with cleaning the bar from the floor for the presses, which was awkward but at least workable with low weight.

I'm already quite sore, and I know it will be worse in a day. If you have not tried high-rep squats, I have no way to describe the impact it has on my entire body, both in pain and fatigue. Nevertheless, I find them to be beneficial for strength, muscle endurance, and mental toughness. As long as I can stay healthy and injury-free, I expect I will do this semi-regularly for a long time to come.

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