2 years ago

1115 children are placed out-of-home due to...
‎The ‎‎allowances affair‎‎ (also known as ‎‎the childcare allowance affair‎‎ or ‎‎allowances scandal‎‎) is a Dutch political affair as a result of unjustified ‎‎fraud suspicions‎‎ with ‎‎childcare allowances‎‎ and the strict recoveries in case of errors. From 2017, the affair received increasing attention. According to investigative committees, the working methods of the ‎‎Tax and Customs Administration‎‎ were unlawful, ‎‎discriminatory‎‎ and improper, and in some cases there was institutional bias and violation of the fundamental principles of the ‎‎rule of law‎‎. ‎

‎In the period from 2004 to 2019, it was estimated that there were 26,000 parents and thus 70,000 children. They had made – often minor – mistakes or had been misled by childminder agencies, and therefore had to repay the full childcare allowance. As a result, many victimized parents ended up in debt, which in some cases amounted to tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of euros. As a result, some of the victims had to deal with large-scale disruption of their lives due to, among other things, loss of job or home, relocation of children or ‎‎psychological problems‎‎. ‎

‎In 2021, the entire ‎‎Rutte III cabinet‎‎ submitted his resignation, and former State Secretary of Finance ‎‎Eric Wiebes‎‎ resigned as minister with immediate effect.‎
And now we have cabinet Rutte IV, and not one child has been reunited with the parents...

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