Kent Heckenlively: The Last Time We Had an Honest Discussion About Vaccines

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2 years ago

This program is sponsored by the explosive new book by Robert F Kennedy Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. While we are loathe to praise Amazon, to its credit and unlike other distribution powerhouses in America​, Amazon ​has NOT banned this book that has become a bestseller thanks partially to ​its availability ​through Amazon that despite its obvious ideological flaws is ​better than the woke ​and inept ​US Postal service that may fail to ​even ​deliver on time if at all. We urge you to help the Freedom First Network by ordering this book today from this tracking link at

The Bill McIntosh Show talked vaccines​, using animals to develop them ​and their sketchy history with an unabashed foe of vaccination. Kent Heckenlively ​who ​lives up to his surname to a fault and has a deep personal interest in the topic not merely because he's a dad and a science teacher but given that two of his children were injured by vaccines leading to autism. ​But to merely state that Kent Heckenlively is passionate about the topic of vaccines, harm resulting from them and how shameless Big Pharma is in promoting vaccines does him a disservice.

Heckenlively is a one man Comstock Lode​ of research, analysis and insights who's gone to where the bones are buried on vaccines and he takes the pharmaceutical industry to the woodshed; nails them to a post and grabs an Adirondack bat to pummel them. He also takes on the origin of autism and AIDS and their likely connections to vaccine research. If this encourages you to watch-do so as you won't be disappointed.

This interview went from topics as varied as small villages in Africa; chimps, George Washington, the children of scientists coming down with weird illnesses; kids being much better to work with than adults (they are not as practiced at lying) sensible advice during the Covid 19 pandemic and chronic fatigue syndrome.

We ​often ​see opponents of the Covid 19 vaccines dutifully genuflect at the altar of "I'm not opposed to all vaccines" automatically it seems whenever they ​ready ​unload both barrels against the Pfizer, Moderna and other lesser Covid 19 vaccine "solutions"​ purveyors licking their paws at the staggering sums of money to be had from the sale of vaccines that you are coerced into taking with little to no liability assumed by the manufacturers of these experimental mRNA creations. Heckenlively has no such reverence given the emerging facts about the vaccine billy club pummeling America.

Even ​some executives at the pharmaceutical giants may be hesitat​ant​ to ​continue ​calling these rushed creations vaccines but rather gene therapies given the embarrassing number of not only Covid 19 infections following the jabs but also alarming fatalities thanks to those Covid 19 infections that the shots failed to prevent much less mitigate.​ Witness ​L​ifesite News report about Bayer Pharmaceuticals President Stefan Oelrich stating last October at the World Health Summit in Berlin that:

"We are really taking that leap [to drive innovation] – us as a company, Bayer – in cell and gene therapies … ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate,”

The host raised the famous 18th century ​Edward ​Jenner vaccine against smallpox as a possible “good” vaccine and Heckenlively ​commented that it may have been the last time we've had an honest discussion about vaccines:

"One of the things that I, one of the things that popular depictions was I love the miniseries John Adams. And one segment of that was about Washington's decision to inoculate his troops against smallpox. And if you watch that HBO presentation, which I really recommend, based on the book by David McCulloch, who's a Pulitzer Prize winner, when I watched that, and they talked about how, you know, well, smallpox will kill, you know, it's just pick a number 60% of the people​ [writer's note-according to the CDC, it was cited as being fatal 30% of the time]​ ​But the smallpox vaccine will kill 15% of the people. Well, you know, what do you do? And I felt like, the last time there was an honest discussion about vaccines in the United States was during the Revolutionary War."

Kent Heckenlively quipped that unusual coincidences seems to be a side effect of vaccine research. To illustrate he related to the audience the​ official origin of AIDS story and added a devastating insight that shreds the accepted origin theory to pieces. 

​"​Okay, if we have this premise, that it's the use of animal tissue in the vaccines, which is leading to these weird new diseases. Well, let's take a look at HIV. You know, okay, HIV is a monkey virus that, that jumped from, from monkeys to humans. Okay. Yeah. And, you know, I tried to make a, you know, give the other side there do and so I said, Okay, so if you want to know, the, the mainstream view on how HIV jumped to human beings, here it is, well, sometime in around 1908, or 1909, some pygmy in central Congo, must have gotten into a fight with a monk with a chimpanzee that he was killed for bushmeat, the virus got transmitted. And then because there was a big vaccination campaign using glass syringes which get used, you know, five or 6000 times it, mix the blood, and then we've got, you know, prostitution and drugs, and this was the mix of caused HIV to create, am I okay, all right. Thank you for that explanation. Do you have the evidence? And you know, know that, you know, they have literally, and so then you say, Okay, well, at the time, HIV broke out, there was a very vicious argument, which said, No, we think that HIV was created in Africa, when they took over 500 chimpanzees, and use their kidneys to grow a, a polio vaccine, created over like a million doses given to Africans. So then what happened was, that that's how the chimpanzee virus got transmitted to human beings out of, you know, in Africa. And, you know, the other really strange coincidence, we always say vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences in the world. The three small African villages where HIV was first identified, were also the same three villages that you were, were the first to get that early polio vaccine.​"

The Bill McIntosh Show is sponsored by the explosive new book by Robert F Kennedy Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. While we are loathe to praise Amazon, to its credit and unlike other distribution powerhouses in America​, Amazon ​has NOT banned this book that has become a bestseller thanks partially to ​its availability ​through Amazon that despite its obvious ideological flaws is ​better than the woke ​and inept ​US Postal service that may fail to ​even ​deliver on time if at all. We urge you to help the Freedom First Network by ordering this book today from this tracking link at

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