Electric Paramotor SP140 open ppg unboxing and flight plus first impression

3 years ago

0:00 Intro at the Conway Airport
0:24 Putting together the paramotor
3:09 Trying on the SP140
3:25 Hang Check
4:16 Taking apart the SP140
5:00 Heading to the airport
6:12 Putting on the prop
6:25 Thank you ParaLifePPG.com ClearPropTV.com PPGShane.com and ParamotorGirl.com
7:56 PPG Grandpa putting on the paramotor and running it up
8:46 PPG Grandpa Reverse, take off and flight
12:15 Landing
12:25 My impressions and short review of the flight
15:45 Get a Paramotor Calendar at http://www.ParamotorCalendar.com

WOW! what a day... here is the rest of the #electric #paramotor story and a cool flight !!! #SP140 Learn more at http://www.OpenPPG.com

Watch the LIVE unboxing stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVPZqxRypEs

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