April 24 2022: The Masquerade of a False Prophet

2 years ago

The Masquerade of a False Prophet
Pastor Gary Denbow
2 Corinthians 11:1-15

1. “Intruders from without”.
• They preach a different Christ.
• They preach a different gospel.
2. They make special claims to superior authority.
• Identity is wrapped up in Jesus. He is our authority. (2 Cor 5:16-17).
• False apostles, deceitful workers, disguised as apostles.
3. Paul marks many of them as “Judaizers”
• Jews from Palestine who knew Christ after the flesh but not in spirit.
• Aiming to bring believers under condemnation.
4. Paul identifies them as libertines.
• They preach “It makes no difference how you live”
• Paul preaches about separation from the world in lifestyle and practice. (2 Cor 6:14-7:1, 12:21).
5. Paul also notes some false prophets as “gnostic”.
• Gnosticism – The world was created and ruled by lesser divinity, Christ was an emissary.
6. “Mercenary-minded”
• They had selfish commercial greed

Qualities of a true Prophet of God
Stay simple and pure. Don’t be a burden.
Preach Jesus. Be a defender of the faith.
Stay humble. Be real.
Preach the Gospel.

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