Pandemic of the VACCINATED

2 years ago

In 2020 I did not know one person who was ill with Covid 19. I asked the woman at Woolies did she know of anyone, as she worked at a large grocery train that saw millions of unmasked customers coming in every week. No sanitising, no stupid plexiglass dividers, just people cheek to jowl as all the smaller business had been shuttered and there was nowhere else to buy food.. She knew of no-one. Now is 2022 after months of the roll out of the experimental genetic poison the once empty hospitals are packed to capacity. Ambulances are waiting in line for hours to deliver their patients to a ward. And according to Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Robert Malone and many other world renown epidemiologists, virologists, cardiologists, cancer specialists, neurological experts - this is only the beginning. Our Government forced people to take the jab by threatening them with job loss if they didn't and then Scott WEF Morrison stated that if an Australian suffered death or an adverse event it was their fault because they knew it was an experiment and he never mandated the jab. Not only did Morrison force people to get the jab he and his government banned safe and effective alternatives that would have assisted the old, weak and feeble who were the only ones at risk. I watch in horror as this genocide takes place. A genocide caused by our own government.

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