SPICY. LEATHERY. WOODY. Meet the OLIVA Serie O Robusto - CIGAR REVIEWS by CigarScore

3 years ago

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Today we continue our series of blind cigar reviews, where our goal is to provide you with a totally objective, completely neutral review of a cigar. Ellory went into this review completely blind; that means without knowing what it is, who made it, how much it costs, or what's in it. To see the entire series of blind cigar reviews, click here - https://www.cigarscore.com/blindreviews

One thing I love about the CigarScore Cigar Date Labels (https://www.cigarscore.com/shop/product/cigarscore-cigar-date-labels/) is that they allow me to know precisely when and where I got a cigar. So, even though I went into today's review of the Oliva Serie O Robusto blind, I knew I'd had this cigar aging in my humidor for well over a year.

The first thing I noticed about the Oliva Serie O Robusto was its amazing aroma. the second thing I noticed was that this cigar looks practically perfect. The Serie O is medium brown in color, the wrapper isn't super-oily, and the veins are well pressed and dehydrated. This cigar looks amazing.

While there were some stems at the smoking end (which made the cigar hard to cut), the draw was perfect, and the cold draw had wood and cedar notes to it.

Once lit, the Oliva Serie O Robusto had flavors that were sweet and leathery with hints of some sort of spice.

_Cigar Cutters:
Amazon https://amzn.to/34lLGtF
Famous https://famous-smoke.7eer.net/cutters

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Amazon https://amzn.to/2Kbk43B
Famous https://famous-smoke.7eer.net/humidors

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Amazon https://amzn.to/3agNjwt
Famous https://famous-smoke.7eer.net/humidification
Cigar Oasis https://amzn.to/3qYHDNP

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Samplers https://famous-smoke.7eer.net/samplers
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00:00 Intro
00:26 Welcome
01:35 First Impressions
03:52 Smoking
05:13 Final Thoughts
06:05 CigarScore Reveal
06:29 Cigar Specs
07:22 Outro

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CigarScore: 4
Brand: Oliva
Line: Serie O
Size: 5 x 50
Cut: V-Cut
Light: Torch
Price: $7.00

Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habano
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Smoke Time: 45 minutes

Buy This Cigar https://click.cigarscore.com/fs-oliva-serieo

Through the middle of the cigar, the burn and draw were good, but I didn't love the flavors. Tastes that started out woody, leathery and spicy evolved into ones that were like hoppy beer. On the retrohale, there were hints of sweetness.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the Oliva Serie O Robusto was decent, but not great. The flavors in the final third weren't super-delicious, and, even for a robusto, this cigar had a pretty short smoke time of 45 minutes.

However, the construction was good. The burn was even and the draw was good.

But because the flavors declined in the final third and it had a short smoke time, the Oliva Serie O Robusto earns a CigarScore 4.

#CigarScoreTV #OlivaCigars #OlivaSerieO

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Gear I Used To Make This Video (Affiliate Links):
Main Camera https://amzn.to/2J2t20G
Travel Camera https://amzn.to/2ILqzYX
Favorite lens https://amzn.to/2saI5e0
Microphone https://amzn.to/3xwl0SF
Tripod https://amzn.to/2VK6CJR
Travel Camera Tripod https://amzn.to/2Lrrw6z

Ellory Wells: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnIfneBhdjrABQdmkVk79mQ
Covering Fire: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Cupb2UceJHIkbGPElVn8w

Hey, so, some of the links in my videos and descriptions are affiliate links. But, I only recommend products/services I use and love myself =) More details here - https://www.cigarscore.com/ads-and-affiliate-disclaimer-disclosure/

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