The Wilderness Series On Wasteland / EP 16 / Grandpa's Footsteps / Lets Play / LockNutz / FS19 / PC

2 years ago

The Wilderness Series On Wasteland / EP 16 / Grandpa's Footsteps / Lets Play / LockNutz / FS19 / PC We have let our apple tree fend for themselves for too long. Let's give them a little food and water. To help out with that, we buy ourselves a little help. Making roads is something that I have been talking about for some time now. So now is as good of time as any. Silage is a constant battle every day. We are either making it or taking it off to the BGA. Biggest news is that our corn is ready for harvest and that means we need to get a new header for our harvester. New toys are always fun. I need to keep an eye open for Arnold. I think he is moving Sven the Scarecrow. If you see him before me, tell him to knock it off. It's starting to freak me out. Stop on by to see how things turn out!


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