OUCH! Excess mortality in Israel plotted against vaxx doses administered 😱

2 years ago

VIDEO SOURCE: https://twitter.com/TexasLindsay/status/1518790462273986561

I (Frank Ploegman) decided to replicate the excess mortality analysis by downloading the official data from Our World In Data from the following link:

Excess mortality: Deaths from all causes compared to average over previous years

You can find my analysis for Israel and a few other countries here:


(I analyzed percentage excess mortality instead of raw numbers. This does not change the conclusion.)

It used to be much quicker and easier to view cumulative excess mortality data by just using the following link:

I used to check this web page often, but somewhere in the second week of December 2020, it was removed. You'd almost think some powerful people don't want the public to know this data, because it might conflict with the powerful person's agenda. 🤔

Some people could for example use this official data to spread 'misinformation' that the 'pandemic' is not that serious, the measures of mass destruction are ineffective, or the jabs are not safe and/or effective.


The official data of cumulative number of COVID jab doses per country can be found here:


Excess mortality is in this case defined as the actual mortality in a certain period compared to the average in the same period between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2019 ('baseline').

Cumulative excess mortality is the sum of excess mortality since a certain start date. This will naturally fluctuate, but in a normal period it should be around 0 over the long term, which means that periods of increased mortality are balanced out with periods of decreased mortality.

Since 2020, the cumulative excess mortality continues to rise. This means we continue to have periods of mortality higher than the long term average. In fact, mortality seems to be increasing drastically and suspiciously after the start of the mass inoculation campaigns.

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