Dutch TV - here it is - EU Is Set To Launch The 'Digital Identity Wallet'

2 years ago

Dutch TV - here it is - the EU launch of Digital IDs
EU Is Set To Launch The 'Digital Identity Wallet'

"It's going to have an enormous impact. It will be a replacement for your passport, so you can identify yourself with it but there will be much more to it. It will contain financial information, entry tickets, your personal medical file, information about vaccines, education certificates, you name it. We think it's very creepy and it will soon be launched."

"We are worried about the risk that engaging in all sort of everyday activities will soon not be possible without this 'Digital Identity Wallet' anymore. We also saw it with the COVID passport which was mandatory to get access to important parts of society too. With the 'Digital Identity Wallet' we fear this will be the future as well."

This is what the massively co-ordinated last 2 years has been all about. It was never about a virus.

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