Lt. and Det. Nervous Over Camera. Allied Sec. Can't Mind His Business. Braintree. Boston. Mass

3 years ago

This was on June 15th 2021 at approximately 13:40, outside of the Braintree police department in Braintree Massachusetts. I went there after my interaction with a couple Braintree police officers at the national grid. Within a few minutes I was approached by the deputy chief another officer and a lieutenant in his vehicle started filming me. I brought up my concerns with the illegal detainment from the deputy chief's officers at my previous interaction.

I stayed on the property for about 15 minutes 1 inside and caught the public records officer information and saw them bring in a person in custody in the back Sally port. I have also added in a clip of an interaction I had with another Allied security officer in Boston Massachusetts. This was on Thursday June 17th at approximately 11:06. That interaction was Approximately about 5 minutes and was a pretty funny in entertaining back-and-forth.

Please let me know what you think of these interactions in the comments section down below!!! Grassy accountability is getting closer to 35000 subscribers and it is because of all of you!!! I appreciate all of the support. Donations are happily and humbly accepted!!! Much love, respect and appreciation!!!!


Assaulted By Crazy Gramps. Illegal Detainment. Shutdown. Drive Of Shame. Braintree Police. Mass:

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