Babylon 1, hahaha! Babylon 2, hahaha! Babylon 3, hahaha! Babylon 4, hahaha! Babylon 5, hahaha!

3 years ago

As always, if you want to support what I'm doing here, you're more than welcome to do so here: Maybe I'll pony up for a class in how to do audio mixing/balancing so it doesn't sound /quite/ so horrible in the future.

But, seriously, as awesome as the Starfuries were - and they are awesome, I talked about them here: - the station as a whole... didn't quite measure up. Granted, that may simply have been a function of the limitations of your humie hardware, which, of course, was a recurring detail in the Babylon 5 universe.

Still, as a hingepin for the universe surrounding it, it did its job admirably.

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