STUDENT LOANS ARE A CANCER - What I Wish Someone Had Told Me

3 years ago

Student loans place crushing burdens on students and need to be avoided at all costs. Do this instead....

The average college debt among student loan borrowers in America is $32,731, according to the Federal Reserve.

$23, 000 a year x4 for out of state 18,000 +5000 for room and board =...?

$42k youth Pastor

The average student borrower takes 20 years to pay off their student loan debt. Some professional graduates take over 45 years to repay student loans. 21% of borrowers see their total student loan debt balance increase in the first 5 years of their loan. educational

Average savings rate for Millenials
7.5% Motleyfool

Well, according to a recent survey, 58% of millennials have less than $5,000 in their savings account, with just 70% having a savings account at all. In fact, according to a survey by Morning Consult, 36% of millennials don't save for retirement at all, with 31% setting away just 1-10% of their income each month

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