Easter Egger Chicks, Everything You Need To Know #EasterEggerChicks #HowToCareForEasterEggers

2 years ago

Here at the Redfoot Homesteading Household, we are taking care of some new Easter Egger Chicks. I thought it would be beneficial to share some information with you regarding their needs once they are brought home.

You can use a Tote or a Large Cardboard Box that is sturdy and has enough space for each chick.

Water/Feed Container:

Heat Lamp, do have a thermometer if you want to know the exact heat or just watch the way your chickens react closely:

Make sure you bought them some feed from Cal-Ranch or where-ever Chicken Feed is sold


Then use Grass and Dirt for the base of their box.

#EasterEggerChicks #HowToCareForEasterEggers

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