Select the best marketing tactics, generate copy & sales pages all with

2 years ago

Digital First AI is a newly released (Early 2022) digital marketing planning SaaS with a difference (

In this video, I will show an alternative solution to some of the popular softwares like funnelytics, geru and marketplan. These are all funnel mapping and planning tools.

Seeing the Digital First AI roadmap, Digital First will be able to do what each of these tools does plus generate copy writing, create landing pages and connect you with some of the greatest growth hackers alive today! If I say I wasn't excited I would be lieing. The team at Dgital First AI have a massive vision & it is hard not to get excited about what they are trying to acheive. I wish them all the luck in the world but I know they don't need it. Skill always wins over luck and they are connecting with the best growth hackers so I have confidence that they can pull it off. That is the really exciting part. They have a high chance of actually pulling it off and being a major planner in the growth hacking, sales and marketing funnel, digital marketing community.

So don't get me wrong. Funnelytics, Geru & Marketplan are amazing tools. They are three (3) of the most popular funnel mapping, planning and management tools available. Each has a strength. I feel Marketplan is probably the best option for the fact that it can do everything Funnelytics and Geru can but now they are going to need to compete with Digital First AI. Nothing like a little competition to heat things up.

So if you use any of these funnel mapping SaaS tools (Funnelytics, Geru and Marketplan) right now and want to switch completely over to DigitalFirst AI you won't be happy. It doesn't have all the features available yet. It is released as a Minimal Viable Product (MVP), very smart! But they have an amazing launch deal so you can get in now (for a month or so from the time of making this video) for a one time price. See comments for link to get their launch deal.

Digitalfirst AI is set to become a major player in the digital marketing space. Their vision is to be the number one growth hacking community online! This is no small feat by any means. They will be competing with the best communities known online today. Imagine this... They are competing in the digital marketing space against the best digital marketers in the world! Very exciting to be able to watch how this will all unfold. host an online global community of growth hackers. Their mission is to help marketers, business owners & any another other growth hackers to connect & help each by other sharing the best growth hacking tools, hiring growth hacking specialist and be able to get the best recommended digital marketing tactics and strategies available for your needs as recommended by their AI.

The SaaS tool is in the early stages with an exciting roadmap. is a fully managed growth hacking platform, which offers tools, automation solutions, and insights, to help companies develop and implement growth hacking strategies. It allows you to select the best marketing tactics, map your avatars journey and connect with an active online community of growthhackers and generate copy and sales pages (with the assisting power of AI!).

What do you think do you mind MVP? Really to jump in and get yourself known within the community? Do you use funnel mapping SaaS or pen and paper more your style?

#growthhackers #funnelmapping #digitalmarketingplanning #salesfunnel #digitalmarketingcommunity

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