Broken Families Ep 17 - Healing Trauma with NLP feat Guide Furlani

3 years ago

In this episode, Barbara and Andrew discuss how Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) can be used to help heal trauma. Who better to help us dive deep into this than Guide Furlani, an organic early family history coach who specializes in NLP.

Guide shares that words are meaningless in themselves and that true meaning lies in the speaker. He also encourages listeners to recognize the value in both the baby and the bathwater.

“..Truth. The most elusive quest of human consciousness. Yet, once decided as one’s primary Driver allows somewhat to tap the Field of “Silent Knowledge”. Thus with Courage some move onward with Clarity and Integrity in freeing human perception from the clutter of stifling beliefs... – This among many, the most important of ‘the King’s signs’. – This alone, the supreme mark of the Timeless Leader”.

~ Guide G. Furlani ~

To access the helpful downloadable document be sure to visit (there is a downloadable document after every episode).

For any inquiries feel free to reach us at

To learn more about Guide be sure to email him at

Additional reading material

My Voice Will Go with You - Milton Erickson

The Art of Peace – Morihei Ueshiba

The Power of Intention – Wayne Dyer

The Ultimate Introduction to NLP – Richard Bandler

Barbara La Pointe, a Divorce Coach that specializes in high conflict relationships, Narcissistic Personalities and Inherited Family Trauma.

Andrew Folkler is a professional writer, Associate producer for Erasing Family documentary and actively volunteers as a guest speaker on Parental Alienation. Andrew experienced PA as a child, he shares his story to help other parents struggling with being estranged from their children.

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