Commitment to the Local Church, Hebrews 10:19-25

2 years ago

Today is a special day at Prairie Baptist! At the end of our service, we are bringing several people into membership.
Here are Prairie, we have all of our perspective members attend a 2-part class that walks through the Biblical reason for membership, as well as the responsibilities of the member and the responsibilities of the church. It is a good class, and I’d like to walk through some of the highlights this morning.
Many churches see membership as an old-fashioned concept, or an unnecessary procedure, but I think those churches miss the point of membership entirely. Church membership brings a commitment that binds the body together. It forges a deep bond as the members seek to minister together, all pulling in the same direction. (at least it should)
For a few moments this morning, we are going to build the case for church membership in the New Testament, then we will examine what membership is not, and finally, what membership is.

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