Virtual Town Hall with Blake Gideon

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Dr. Sherwood’s Virtual Town-hall with special Guest Dr. Blake Gideon, Pastor and former President of Oklahoma Baptist.

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Ten reasons why I am running for Governor.
1. Election Fraud: 2020, every Oklahoman who voted for Trump was ignored by six rogue counties that committed election fraud, and although elections fraud is most likely present in Oklahoma, we’ve done nothing to address it…

2. Broken Relationship with the 39 Sovereign Nations within our Oklahoma borders. I have already begun building relationships with many of the Governors, Chiefs, Presidents, and Chairman and, when elected, will continue to do so.

3. Thousands of Oklahomans violated their conscience and took the experimental viral-based genetic therapy developed using aborted baby tissues to fear losing their job. Thousands of lost their jobs, and multitudes are still pending job loss. The more significant loss has been death and severe adverse reactions to this experimental gene therapy. This doesn’t include the ridiculous mask mandates! This madness used to perpetuate a plandemic could have been stopped and will be when I am elected!

4. Churches, individuals, and businesses were deemed non-essential. This will NEVER happen under my administration!

5. Cities were locked down, and curfews were put in place. This will never happen under my administration!

6. Many Oklahomans are dead because they were refused basic medical treatment for COVid-19 and followed Fauci’s protocol which equates to BIG MONEY for hospitals and medical clinics. Why? Because the feds are using federal funds given to them by taxpayers to leverage control over our local hospitals.

7. Thousands of >>unvetted<< Afghanistan Refugees have been brought into our Oklahoma borders. This would have never happened under my administration.

8. More than 300 thousand acres of Oklahoma land have been purchased by Chinese Nationals and their affiliates

9. Farmers & Ranchers have been financially destroyed as lobbyists and special interest groups inflate the price for their friends at the expense of those who actually produce the cattle and crops.

10. Opposed to the false narrative perpetuated by the FAKE NEWS, Abortion is alive and well! I will abolish abortion within the first 30 days after being elected.

11. BONUS : Crt being taught in our schools, and A BILLION DOLLAR TAX REBATE USED TO BRIBE MEGA CHINA CONTROLLED CORPORATIONS TO OKLAHOMA WHO PROMOTE BLM, ANTIFA, & LGBT+ ( the plus mean pedophilia !!!! With Gods grace and your help we will stop the communist agenda from further encroaching on our land and freedoms !

Dr. Mark Sherwood
2022 The Republican Candidate for Governor

Prayerfully consider donating today to MAKE OKLAHOMA FREE AGAIN!

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