2 years ago

Zombies have been prophesied to come in prophecy 153 at amightywind.com.

Excerpts from Prophecy 153 April 20th 2020
And I told you to watch the movies (they're already telling you in advance to program your mind, so you will not be surprised when you see these things come upon you, and the way you felt when you watched the movie, the terror you felt when you watched those movies, yes even of a virus that takes over the world—think how you felt back then and the zombie movies and the zombie games, think how you feel when you play those games and watch those movies—that's the way you're going to react at that time), but those who have taken the prophecies seriously, that I gave to Elisheva Eliyahu, they are going to know what to do.

When the worst vaccine of all comes and a satellite beam tracks anything wireless on the head, the people will no longer be in control of their own thoughts, of their own actions. And along with that shall be that which will cause people to die and to arise again and they will be called what you call 'zombies.'

For there's one part [of 78] that I allowed her to mention and if you look it up you will find out it was on her birthday [2005] this was spoken that not one person around this world will know someone who did not die and was touched by this tragedy—that's how you know who a true prophet is; they prophesy things way in advance—just like in Florida [May 2012], they've already had the zombies and that was so many years ago.

And they blamed it on "bath salts," but she spoke it first in a Prophecy [August 1998]. The government even mocked the next day calling it the "Zombie Apocalypse"—"You better get ready.”

Excerpt from Prophecy 150 January 20th 2020
I YAHUVEH tell MY secrets and I tell them before hand and then it comes to pass. Anyone can read proof behind the prophecies and see how long ago. I even warned about the zombie apocalypses to come and now all they do is make fun and put it in every video game and on TV programmes. You think it’s going to be fun? Will it be fun for you when you see the Nephilim’s in person? Those existed at the time of Moshe? (Numbers 13:31-33) Why the ark was built? The hybrids that went into the humans as they fornicated? What are you going to do when you see monsters come at you taller than the tallest tree? One toe can smash a house. This is what you are looking forward to.

Excerpt from Prophecy 21 Part 2 August 7th 1998
I tell you this now so when you see these things come to pass you will not fear his army of ZOMBIES that will be slain by the POWER OF THE CROSS of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! Remember hit them with a board or wood that represents the CROSS. The dead in YAHUSHUA (Christ) which shall walk and witness to MY glory will walk as in times of old and testify of Heaven, not to take the MARK of the BEAST! They shall prove there is life after death. MY saints you will hear and see in Glorified Bodies that CAN NOT BE KILLED!

Satan will say it’s not only the Christians that have risen from their graves, but those that are not Christian and he will prove it by causing great fear to come upon everyone that has not heard MY words this day. They will look at his evil flesh eating demons that have joined with the heathen earthly bodies in the graves, coming out of the bottomless pit, to cause chaos so this miracle will go unnoticed, but satan’s army of the dead are not really the Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Husbands and Wives of the heathen, but demons who will bite and these demons will be transferred into the living, but again only the heathen can be affected by this.

So hit them with a piece of wood in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! Rebuke them and bind them! Cast the demons out, say, “The Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is against you satan and all demons must flee from me” and they shall! The heathen dead will fall to the ground. Radiation from UFO’s did not create this chaos; it is a plan from hell and you have been forewarned by this Prophet this day who asked ME not to let her speak this till it was MY timing. IT’S MY TIMING NOW!

Apparently not all books one reads are "fiction" yet in reality that is the only way they can get the truth out. In the video the one briefing mentions that some know too much of the medical side and admit they have a leak they are trying to plug in the Zombie Hazard Command.

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