
3 years ago

Christian in a liberal state - S1E2
This is a recording I did 3 or 4 years ago which may upset some people who come from seeker churches or who are agnostic or aetheist.
In it I mention sin and give examples of what some of them are which would go against the wokeism in society today. As a Christian I go by what’s in the bible and you may resent what I have to say. I speak about the gifts in the bible that were used when the church was first being formed and how they are taken out of context by “healers”, unintelligible tongues being used by people and other motivational speakers in their mega-churches. After listening to John MacArthur speak about these miraculous gifts being used in churches today I have a special angry place in my heart after I too was misled by these people years ago in my trek to know God.
(2017) As the people did of Jesus's day while he walked the earth, many sought the healings and casting out of demons and other miracles he performed, and not his teachings. Today so many who call themselves Christians are seeking the same things; healings, the miracles they say they can perform but not proving anything. Again, they do not seek Jesus and his teachings, they seek these people trying to make a name for themselves and falling into sin. As the Bereans did we should follow the Lord, read and understand his Word.

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