Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry 2022 04 25

2 years ago

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

💥High-precision sea- and air-based long-range weapons on the northern outskirts of Kremenchuk destroyed fuel production facilities of an oil refinery, as well as storage facilities for oil products to supply military equipment of Ukrainian troops.

💥During the night, 6 enemy assets were hit by high-precision air-based missiles. Among them: 3 strong points and areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment, as well as 3 ammunition depots in Barvenkovo and Novaya Dmitrovka in Kharkov Region.

✈️💥Operational-tactical and army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 56 military assets of Ukraine. Among them: 2 command posts and 53 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, as well as 1 fuel storage facility near Novaya Dmitrovka.

▫️Up to 160 nationalists, as well as more than 23 armoured vehicles, artillery mounts and cars, were destroyed.

💥Missile troops carried out 19 strikes during the night. Destroyed: 4 command posts of the nationalists, including the 81st Separate Airborne Assault Brigade and the 110th Territorial Defence Brigade, and three ammunition depots. 21 areas of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment concentration were also destroyed.

▫️Up to 240 nationalists, as well as more than 28 armoured vehicles, artillery mounts and cars, were destroyed.

💥Artillery units carried out 967 fire missions during the day. Destroyed: 33 command posts, 929 strong points, areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, as well as 5 missile and artillery weapons and ammunition depots.

💥Russian air defence means shot down 13 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Mezhurino, Balakleya, Borodoyarkoe, Nevskoe in Kharkov Region and Vysokoe and Chernobaevka in Kherson Region.

▫️In addition, Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and cannon system shot down 1 Ukrainian Tochka-U missile and 18 rockets of a multiple-launch rocket system over Chernobaeka.

📊In total, 141 aircraft and 110 helicopters, 566 unmanned aerial vehicles, 265 anti-aircraft missile systems, 2,526 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 283 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,096 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,362 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

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