The Reality of Adulthood

3 years ago

Growing up on what most people called the wrong side of the tracks I dreamed of becoming a Broadway dancer. As a young girl I would write, produce and sell tickets to the opening night of my very own show. My parents would take their seats in the front row of our living room, enthusiastically cheering me on.

I was not restricted by adult limitations, or boundaries to the size or achievability of my dreams. My dreams were never dashed by details of the HOW... you know the how they would come true. I just believed.

Do you look back with longing wishing you could escape the reality of adulthood for the innocence of the belief you had in yourself as a child?

And does it really have to be this way?

Is it the natural progression of age that robs of us of our ability to dream?

I say no!

Join me today as I bust the myth that all your dreams are abandoned
with the onset of adulthood.
1. Why you settle as an adult.
2. How to restore your belief in YOU!
3. How to take the first step into your greatness.

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