Ukrainian Strikes Hit Russian Oil Depot In Bryansk

2 years ago

A massive fire has erupted at a Russian oil depot in Bryansk, approximately 110km from the Ukrainian border. Initial reports claimed explosions preceded the fire, but right now we can only confirm ongoing blaze.

The possibility of a Ukrainian attack is being considered, but it's unclear how it would have been pulled off. Ukraine's longest distance weapon is likely the Scarab B (OTR-21 Tochka-U) which has a 120km range, and would have to be fired right from the border and would be really pushing the limits of its accuracy.

Another possible option, if it were an attack, would be some sort of clandestine operation by Ukrainian sappers, which would be extremely risky and require infiltrating 75 miles in Russian territory.

It's also very possible the oil depot ignited as a result of some sort of industrial accident, completely unrelated to the Ukrainian conflict. Perhaps we will never know the truth.

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