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Governments Are Planning Food Shortages, Not Predicting Them

2 years ago

Over the past five months, the US has witnessed nearly two dozen food processing plants go up in flames. On top of that, our government has been paying farmers not to produce crops for decades and we have a supply chain crisis with ships sitting off our coast for months on end before being unloaded. Is there a famine coming to the US. The answer is not whether it is coming but when. People need to be aware and prepare by growing their own food and adjusting to what is about to happen in our land.

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  • 0/2000
  • Face it, idiots are trying to take over the world! Elites are just playing stupid, while they let the psychopath tyrants, which they have installed, commit all of the hideous crimes against humanity, their sick minds can imagine!

  • Oh wow, who's that young guy with the chiseled chin? So nice to see your handsome mug once again. :o) And it's amazing how I can understand you better since can see your mouth move. Hope it lasts awhile. Very kind of you to do that for your daughter's wedding..

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