Lady Train Tyrants Retaliate. Call Cops. Trespass Fail. ID Refusal. MBTA Transit Police. Boston Mass

3 years ago

This was on Wednesday June 23rd 2021 at approximately 9:39 on the inbound train from Salem to North station in Boston Massachusetts. One of the women train conductors whose name is Rita Was taking video and/or pictures of me on June 17th and had shared my picture with other trankin doctors telling them to call the police if they saw me. I ended up on her train on Wednesday and she had called the cops so when I arrived at North station there was 3 officers and the "train master" waiting for me so I started recording.

Once I got to the station I walked past the police, Rita and the "train master". Once I got into the main lobby area I was being filmed by the woman in my previous video that threw my phone on the ground whose name is Joy. Her coworkers told her she was stupid for involving herself in this situation once again. I then got the names and badge numbers of 2 officers and a sergeant while a 4th officer snuck away. I had a pretty decent conversation with one of the officers who admitted I was while within my rights and was "educated" in the laws and my rights. She informed me they wanted to trespass me.

Please let me know what you think of this interaction in the comments section down below. Don't forget to check out the previous videos that I have had with the train conductor joy and the other MBTA police officers over a year ago. All links will be in the description!!! Donations are happily and humbly accepted!!! Much love, respect and appreciation!!!


Lady Tyrant Throws My Phone On The Ground:

Transit Officer Palardy Threatens Arrest For Filming:

Joy StickP0rn (Conductors Channel):

MBTA Office of Diversity and Civil Rights
Title VI Unit
10 Park Plaza, Suite 3800
Boston, MA 02116
Phone: 857-368-8580
Fax: 617-222-3263
TTY: 711

Mass Accountability Bitchute:

Mass Accountability Facebook Page:

Mass Accountability Instagram:

Mass Accountability Twitter:

Mass Accountability Network Channel:

Tommy Visions Channel (My Photography and Videography Channel):

#MassAccountability #1stAmendment #1stAmendmentAudit #PoliceThePolice #PhotographyIsNotACrime #FilmThePolice #AlwysFilmThePolice #FTP #AFTP #PINAC #KnowledgeIsPower #KnowYourRights #Boston #JustDoingMyJob #ThinBlueLinePrivilege #CopSucker #BootLicker #ThinBlueLine #ThinBlueLineGang #Northshore #Salem #Florida #California #Chicago #Texas

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