Silver manipulation class-action suit update: JP Morgan, CFTC, Goldman Sachs...

3 years ago

#Silvermanipulation #classaction suit update: #JPMorgan, #CFTC, Goldman Sachs...

To find out what legal options are available for gold and silver investors who have been impacted by the fraudulent actions of JP Morgan and the CFTC, click to watch this timely video now!


To contact the CFTC’s oversight committee email:
Emily German - (Subcommittee staff director for commodities, including oversight of the CFTC)

To make a Freedom of Information Request Act Go to:

Some suggested records to request include:
-The CFTC trading records from April 1, 2011 - May 31, 2011
-The CFTC trading records from January 1, 2021 - June 1, 2021
-JP Morgan chat transcripts (similar to what was released by Deutsche Bank) during the time period during which they’ve already confessed to rigging the gold and silver markets

To offer financial support for legal action against JP Morgan and the CFTC go to:

To read the article about David Caron’s class action case go to:

To get information regarding the Koskie-Minsky class-action suit go to:

To get information regarding the Sotos class-action suit go to:

To get more information about the suit go to:

To get Jeffrey Williams’ book “Manipulation on Trial" go to:

To see the information about the Justice Department settlement go to:

Individuals who believe that they may be a victim in this case should visit the Fraud Section’s Victim Witness website at or call (888) 549-3945.

To download the Arcadia evidence files go to:

To read about Daniel Shak’s settlement with JP Morgan go to:

To contact David Kovel go to:

To post your comments on the Arcadia forum go to:

To sign the petition to support banning JP Morgan from trading gold and silver go to:

To make a Freedom of Information Request Act Go to:

Some suggested records to request include:
-The CFTC trading records from April 1, 2011 - May 31, 2011
-The CFTC trading records from January 1, 2021 - June 1, 2021
-JP Morgan chat transcripts (similar to what was released by Deutsche Bank) during the time period during which they’ve already confessed to rigging the gold and silver markets

To offer financial support for legal action against JP Morgan and the CFTC go to:

Chris’ tip - start calculating any claims based off of past trading records now. Even if you’re not exactly sure how to do it, just figure out what you can, and it gets easier after you’ve started:)

To find out more about Silver Sands Resources go to:

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