Ep. 5541 – William Hartung on the Pork Barrel Politics Behind America's H-Bomb Policy – 6/22/21

2 years ago

Scott talks to William Hartung about America's nuclear policy and the shocking profit motives that end up determining it. Hartung draws particular attention to land-based ICBMs, which, he explains, aren't nearly as effective, since they're fixed in one place, and for that same reason are especially vulnerable to the possibility of an accidental launch. When a country's government thinks their missile silos are being attacked, they have very little time to decide whether to launch those missiles in a counter-strike before losing the opportunity forever. This is why cutting back on ICBMs is one of the most important steps in reducing the risk of nuclear war. Unfortunately, leading voices in the U.S. government actually want to expand the nuclear arsenal, and since the money for such programs is often spread out in local political districts, opposition can be nearly impossible.

Check out the interview page here: https://scotthorton.org/interviews/6-22-21-william-hartung-on-the-pork-barrel-politics-behind-americas-h-bomb-policy/

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