Isaiah 40:12-26 "Behold Your God"

3 years ago

So many people today are struggling with disillusionment, stress, and anxieties. People need hope. But, where can they turn for lasting hope? The Scripture defines hope as a confident expectancy. It also tells us that God alone is the believer's hope.

We pray that this message will deepen your faith, trust, and confidence in God alone. James's message is entitled "Behold Your God." He preached from Isaiah 40:12-24.


Review of Isaiah 40:1-11

Hear the comforting voice of Gospel Grace (Isaiah 40:1-2). Comfort and Pardon. Comfort and tenderness follow the ending of Jerusalem's warfare and the pardoning of her iniquity.

Hear the comforting voice to those in the wilderness of their lives (Isaiah 40:3-5). Prepare the Way. Across wilderness and desert, the way of the Lord is to be prepared, and His glory will be revealed to all.

Hear the comforting voice of the Eternal Word of God. (Isaiah 40:6-8). All Flesh Is Grass. In contrast to withering and fading people, the Word of God stands forever.

Hear the voice of invitation, calling us to Behold Our God and to bring the good news of our God (Isaiah 40:9-10). Good Tidings. Zion is commanded to shout the good tidings that the Lord God comes to rule with might and to tend His flock like a shepherd.

Invitation: Behold Your Powerful and Present God: (Isaiah 40:9-11)
Behold Your God: the Conquering Warrior (Isaiah 40:9)
Behold Your God: Sovereign Lord (Isaiah 40:10)
Behold Your God: Tender Shepherd (Isaiah 40:11)
That is what He is promising you, but is He able to do it?

It is one thing to desire to do something. It is another thing to have the capability and capacity to do it? One can want to do something, and may even will to do something, but do they have the ability to do it?

What we will find in Isaiah 40:12-24 is that God is Able!


Unlimited Power: The Creator God (Isaiah 40:12)
Unsearchable Wisdom: The All-Knowing God (Isaiah 40:13-14)
Ultimate Authority: The All-Powerful (Great) God (Isaiah 40:15-17)
The Uniqueness of God: The Only (Surpasses All Idols) God (Isaiah 40:18-20)
The Invincible Sovereignty (Isaiah 4:21-26)


Are you longing to find answers to the deeper issues of life? Join Dr. James Long, Jr., a pastor, counselor, and university professor with over 25 years of experience. Hear James as he tackles some of life’s biggest questions and helps us find God’s solutions to life’s struggles. Learn the power of living by God’s grace and for His glory. Experience the joy of forgiveness and freedom found in Jesus Christ alone. If you are on a search for freedom, you will love being part of this conversation. Subscribe, and enjoy the show!

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