Ivan Grant: How to Drink Your Booze (and Lose 30 Pounds Too)

2 years ago

If you've gained a few pounds over the past year, you are not alone.

According to a recent survey by the American Psychological Association, 43% of Americans gained an average of about 30 pounds over the past year.

I'll say that again.

Despite unprecedented government intervention “for the sake of our health”—using air quotes here—nearly half of Americans gained 30 pounds in the past year.

If that's you, no worries and no judgment, we're here to help. But we're also here to tell you that there is hope.

While most people are out there gaining weight this past year, my buddy Ivan challenged himself to get back into shape and cut 30 pounds.

So today, I'm honored to introduce you to my dear friend, Ivan Grant aka Melo, a fellow Dartmouth alumnus, singer and premiere bartender in Las Vegas.

Ivan recently took on a weight loss and fitness challenge with his bro, cut over 30 pounds and he already looks 10 years younger.

This is a really fun conversation with an old friend. I hope you dig it. We're chatting about...

• How Ivan shed over 30 pounds during lockdown
• The worst hangover drinks
• Simple strategies for drinking alcohol without losing your health 
• The benefits of joining a challenge with your friends and family
• What to do when you fall off the wagon and need to drop a few pounds
• A simple tip to cut your cravings 
• And tons more...

Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/ivan-grant-how-to-drink-your-booze-and-lose-30-pounds-too/

Follow Ivan Grant on Instagram @ivanatthed, on Facebook @ivan.grant82 and on Twitter @IvanATtheD

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