Dave Oneegs Video Montage of floods 24 April 2022 message to investigators.

2 years ago

1 min
This week the minions of the army of darkness will try their best to slow and slander us and our efforts to help our communities.

The best feeling is knowing you have done nothing wrong and have nothing to hide… no matter what angle they try to take.
We came only to help and help we did.

They can freeze our accounts all they like,
but they will never freeze the true Aussie spirit of mateship and a fair go.

To all the investigators…
this Anzac Day…
rather than investigate Aussies who would fight and die for their fellows
why not look inside first…
investigate your own hearts,
your own motives…
ask yourselves,
“would your ancestors be proud of your service to your country?”

I know what my grandfather would say…
he’d say, “Go son, go and live and serve and fight and hold your head high. Don’t take a backward step.”

I’m so grateful for everything that is happening because all of this does one thing better than anything…
it reveals everyone’s true colours.

Every. Single. Time. 💯🇦🇺🌹

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