YouTube Receives SECOND Censorship Strike

2 years ago

YouTube receives it's second censorship strike for violation of free speech and supporting the abuse of children. If YouTube receives three strikes, it will no longer be allowed to host videos for Liberty Press.

Several parents, uncles and aunties went to the Hawaii Department of Education to request an appointment with Interim HIDOE Superintendent, Keith Hayashi, to ask him to stop requiring the children to be masked.

But YouTube thinks you should not know about this. Hear what these papa and mama bears had to say here:

YouTube censored the video allegedly due to "medical misinformation", but failed to mention a U.S. federal judge overturned biden’s mask mandate and the CDC has no authority to make laws.

Bookmark the Liberty Press website:

This channel wont be on YouTube much longer.

#YouTube #Censorship #BigPharma

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