Medicare For All Debate: Refuting UZworm on Healthcare Part 2

3 years ago

In this second part on the medicare for all debate refuting UZworm on healthcare, I cover why healthcare is NOT a right on the moral argument, as well as why positive rights negates the rights of other individuals. I also address on why the main American healthcare market is not free market and other relative arguments relating to why universal healthcare will not be more affordable.

Again, UZworm has the assumption that just because it is called medicare for all that this somehow means everyone will have access. Like I explained in the previous part, socialists really only see things from face value, they do not comprehend the broken window fallacy and where costs come from to pay for such things. This, again, is something I cover more upon that illustrates why it is not more accessible or affordable.

Like I've explained before, universal healthcare requires a greater tax burden on society and that is most certainly not beneficial for society as I explained previously. There are consequences for those actions, which also contradicts the likes of Vaush who claim they stand for equal opportunity, these things create the opposite of that. Not that there ever is such a thing as equal opportunity anyway.

Finally, I address briefly upon profits covering the arguments for why it is important to ration in a world of scarcity, which UZworm doesn't comprehend, like all socialists. Healthcare is NOT inelastic, therefore, cannot be excused from the laws of supply and demand, which is why the American healthcare market became so expensive. I also explained the role of profits briefly on technological improvement, which can really only be achieved through an economy with market-driven prices. Again, this is something socialists would eliminate through price controls.

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