DURHAM BUSY: Ratcliffe says Felony Conspiracy | MSM Complicit in the Treason

2 years ago

Former DNI John Ratcliffe on the Durham investigation:

“What it’s showing is that this was a coordinated effort by Hillary Clinton campaign officials… all attempting to defraud the federal government… defrauding the government is a felony. Making false statements to federal prosecutors is a felony - and when multiple people do it together, that is a conspiracy and I think that’s what’s being revealed in John Durham’s filings.”

...and From Me:
Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Biden Crime Family on and on sewage tanks filled to the brim with these stinkin' satanic feces gobblers.

Mainstream Media Complicit in the Treason and Conspiracy right along with them all!

We all know it will lead straight to the STOLEN ELECTION as well. That's what thieves, criminals, murderous bastards do.

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