Signs of the Times, Episode 7 Close Encounters

2 years ago

The variety of witnesses of UFO’s is endless. Countries from all over the world are now sharing information about unidentified flying objects that are frequently seen in restricted air space performing maneuvers that no earthly aircraft could achieve. Often these objects seem to bend the laws of physics and display extraordinary flight characteristics such as instantaneous acceleration, hypersonic velocity, low observability, and trans-medium travel, which means they move seamlessly between air and water. They are able to perform in any environment. The idea that within our lifetime, perhaps in this decade, that our civilization would come face to face with alien life, the media says this is no longer science fiction and are actively encouraging the idea of alien visitors. In this episode of Signs of the Times we examine what is really behind the phenomenon and read what some of the top experts in the field of ufology have concluded. Are these visitors from far distant planets? UFO’s are not exclusive to modern society. Many might be surprised to find out these sightings have occurred throughout our history. Egyptians, Babylonian, Persians, Greeks and Romans all recorded seeing objects in the skies

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