2 years ago


David Straight telling it to us Straight again. This war is against the BAR Association. They use their made BS Legal system to control and rob us.

Don't believe it? Ask yourself How is it The so-called joke of a president you know the pedo Brandon isn't in prison. How is it that the election was stolen and there isn't a bunch of people in prison. How is it the fake news is still telling SHEEPLE that Covid is real and there isn't any Fraud. I'll tell you the legal system and who is in high places in it. Now the lower down people they are the ones that can stop it that is if they have any BALLS whatsoever.

I hope some of the great people I know who happen to be Attorney's and police officers wake up and realize who they are fighting for and change sides. I know some great people, but if they don't wake up they deserve what they get. And they will get it.

We are all considered dead in the eyes of the law now I want to believe that a lot of these people don't realize the EVIL they are helping and that they are doing the same thing the Doctors and nurses were for the BS Covid Scam. Just what the boss said to do and that once they do they realize what they need to do. "Fight for the good side" If not get ponded into the pavement along with these New World order Pedophiles. God always wins I sure wouldn't want to be on the side of EVIL.

It's hard to wrap your head around how some of the smartest people at least you think they are anyway can be so Stupid. Let's hope they come to their senses. I believe we are going to have to show them how to stand up for our Brothers and Sisters though. Time to get it on.

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