The Toddfather III | Episode #83 | Champ and The Tramp

3 years ago

This week on @Champandthetramp we welcome back @flavafraz21 - The Toddfather. Todd’s always a breath of fresh air and fits in perfectly in the CATT room. Todd’s newest quest for gold will be the the Tokyo 2021 summer Olympic Games where the USA will compete against top baseball contenders from all over the world. Todd was on Toms River NJ Little League World Championship team in 1998 at just 12 years old where they bested Japan for the title. How amazing would it be if the USA and Japan went head to head again and Todd was again part of a team to bring gold back to the USA ?? Tune in and check this one out guys. Todd never disappoints and we couldn’t be prouder of this NJ native ! Leeeeeeeeeettssss Goooooooooo !!!!!!! #ChampandtheTramp

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