They Silence You Because Your Voice is Powerful – Miyagi Mornings Epi-126

3 years ago

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I have seen a lot of defeatist language from the freedom movement lately and it frankly sickens me.

“Muh great reset, dey are gonna take muh chickens, there is no hope” kind of talk.

Frankly it sickens me. Personally I think there is a lot to be optimistic about and one of the most encouraging things, is that they censor us.

Why does this make me optimistic? Because if what we said did not matter they would ignore us, in fact they did, for a time, now they are fighting us, do you remember what comes in the middle and at the end? Let me remind you…

First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you. ~ Nicholas Klein

And yes that is the proper attribution for the quote, Ghandi never said a version of it, not one that can be confined anyway.

We were ignored, and then we were mocked, today we are attacked, censored, ridiculed and that is cause to rejoice. They have all the MSM media, all the giant tech sites, total control of the banks, total control of the oligarchy and still people that make memes and write satire articles must be attacked. And those who cite well documented science must be silenced. These are not the actions of a power that is winning a war.

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