Cute Little Hedgehogs Compilation

2 years ago

A unique small garden mammal with a body covered in sharp spines. The back and upper body parts are covered in spines that can be bristled. The spines stick out in all directions and when alarmed the hedgehog will curl up in a ball for protection.

The head, flanks, and underparts are all covered in coarse brown hair. The ears are hairy and prominent, the snout is black, shiny, and wet. The eyes are black.

Hedgehogs are nocturnal and can be found by listening for their surprisingly loud snuffling and rummaging in the undergrowth at dawn and dusk. Hedgehogs are also unexpectedly fast movers for their size and have also been seen climbing fences and trees.

Hedgehogs hibernate during the winter months in leafy undergrowth and can be easily killed by careless gardeners by digging compost heaps and burning garden litter without first checking for nesting animals.

Hedgehogs have no real natural predators due to their powerful protection, however, cars kill a huge number each year.

The hedgehog was named because of its peculiar foraging methods. These animals root through hedges and other undergrowth in search of the small creatures that compose the bulk of their diet—insects, worms, centipedes, snails, mice, frogs, and snakes.

Most hedgehogs don't bite or don't bite often and the more you socialize with your hedgie, generally the less it will bite. Basically, there are 2 types of bites: The “you smell tasty” bite: This is usually, but not always, preceded by a few licks.

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