Ave Maria! HOMILY - Divine Mercy Sunday - April 24, 2022

2 years ago

Fr. Alan B. Maria Wharton's homily from Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford, MA, for Sunday of Divine Mercy (Second Sunday of Easter). Father mentions the plenary indulgence officially granted through the Apolstolic Penitentiary, which specifies the "the usual conditions" for plenary indulgences (see https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/tribunals/apost_penit/documents/rc_trib_appen_doc_20020629_decree-ii_en.html). However, there are also other promises of full pardon given to St. Faustina which are recorded in her Diary, explained here: "Extraordinary Graces: What graces are available and how do we receive them?" (https://www.thedivinemercy.org/celebrate/greatgrace/graces)

Today's Mass readings:
- https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/042422.cfm

For more on today's liturgy:
- https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/liturgicalyear/calendar/day.cfm?date=2022-04-24

For more on Divine Mercy:
- https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message

Our Lady's Chapel homily videos are available on Facebook as well:
- https://www.facebook.com/ourladyschapel

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