RUSSIA #33: Ukraine Orders Shoot to Kill at Any Moving Person, Whether Peaceful or Not

2 years ago

🇺🇦"We had orders to shoot to kill at any moving person, whether it was peaceful or not."
⚠️Employees of the National Guard of Ukraine who surrendered told how the leadership ordered the execution of civilians in Rubizhne:
"At some point, people were brought there, there were both women and men ... The people who were brought were with white bandages, they were residents of Rubizhne. They put everyone in front of us, we were ordered to shoot them all.
Crimes against Humanity‼️
🤬Ukraine are the war criminals, not Russia. The media is lying. They want this war and are pushing the agenda of NATO, led by the US, who once again are interfering in other countries they have no business being in. Time to go home & stop sending weapons & our tax payers dollars to these criminals!

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