The "R@ce Card" Has ExPiReD! Cancel Gwen Berry!

3 years ago

The current climate of America is to see who can be the biggest, pathetic, loser/victim. Leading the way are the race hustlers and crabs who wish to blame "the white man" for everything.
In a land of of the insane, people look to those who have reached the highest level of success preach "oppression & r@cism" from their ivory towers. And just like dumb sheep, the masses follow their master's lead, while begging for "freedom..."
Black men, REAL black MEN, have an opportunity to catch the coyote dressed in sheep's cloth this time....
Instead of being used and herded to his own demise, the true "King" realizes the enemy amongst his ranks and engages in the true "art of war....."

*For those who do not wish to "fund" a loser who hates the United States CONTACT:/ and DEMAND the removal of Gwen Berry from Olympic team Funding should be used to support athlete's who love their country, not those who hate it.

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