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Tully Rinckey PLLC Attorney At Laws / Must Refund $30,555.90 / Cheri L. Cannon Abandoned Client
#FACLA #PHLVRadio Please help me obtain a receipts in amount of $30,555.90 Please help me obtain a copy of the settlement summary charts and a copy of the settlement summary charts as the #TullyRinckeyPLLC #MikeCFallingsEsq #CheriLCannonEsq #MatthewBTullyEsq #GregTRinckeyEsq #MichaelWMacomberEsq #StephanieRappTullyEsq #StevenLHerrickEsq #BarbaraGaithets #ShannonEaston #TullyLegal Violation of Attorney Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 UNDER US CODE 26 6663 been playing games #SupremeCourtJustices #SupremeCourt #Senate #Congress #BalitangUSA #BalitangAmerica #BalitangCanada #Pilipinas #Philippines #America #USA #Europe #Asia #AmericaFirstLegal #USAJOBS #EEOC #DLLR #StateBARCounsel #AttorneySpotlight #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeOfTheChiefDisciplinaryCounsel #OneNewsPage #Channel7News #Skynews #KTLANEWS #ABC #NBC #CBS #OAN #Newsmax Tully Rinckey PLLC / Bloomberg BNA / Smith Downey PA / OAN / Newsmax / Regency Furniture LLC Complaints - Client Abandoned - Settlement Never Paid. #BloombergBNA #BloomBergLaw #BloombergUSA #TullyLegal #TullyRinckeyPLLC #CheriLCannonEsqAbandonedClient #CheriLCannonFailedLegalServices #MissingAttorneys #OneNesPage
#channel7news #ktla5news #ManilaBulletin #Share #Repost #JudicialCommittee #AmericaFirstLegal #JucidicialCrissisNetworkPresidentCarrieSeverino
Repost, share #channel7news I would like to report the missing Attorneys who disappeared without paying my settlement #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller works for #SmithDowneyPA #ktlanews #ManilaBulletin #RegencyFurnitureLLC #RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture #AshleyFurnitureHomeStore #AbdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad #DLLR #EEOC #BBB #SupremeCourtJustices #SupremeCourt
#WomenRights #EllenMJakovic #ChadTSarchio #BeckyNeal #RebeccaBeckyNeal Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 #WhiteHouse #PresidentJoeBiden #BidenAdministration President Joseph Biden, You signed an executive order to stop Asian Americans Discrimination on January 26,2021 why it is perverted by #Attorneys the #SmithDowneyPA Attorneys #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller Attorneys of the Muslims Company #RegencyFurnitureLLC Owner #AbdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad disappeared with my settlement and submitted a Doctored falsified documents to Attorneys Grievance Bar Counsel and to the Office Disciplinary Bar Counsel these are absolutely fraud and no appearance of the #ArbitratorRaymondFay and #CheriLCannon whose paid in advance in amount of $30,555.90 why the Attorneys ignored the laws that you implemented #PresidentJoeBiden also the #TullyRinckeyLawfirm #TullyLegal perverted the Legal Agreement and disrespected the Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 #SeanHannity #Foxnews #RaffyTulfoInAction #OANN #ChanelRion #DanBall #Newsmax #GregKelleyReport #MichelleMalkin #grantstinchfield #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #TuckerCarlson #LauraIngraham #SteveHilton #MarkLevin #ipaglabanMoAbscbn #StevenLHerrick #StephanieRappTully #MikeCollinsFallings #Ohio #MikeFallings #phlvradio #Linkedln #GlobalNews #WorldNews #SocialMedia #RegencyStadium #PresidentDuterte #PresidentTrump #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMo #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoSaAmerica #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #pbs #patriotgazette #OFW #HomeFurnishing #LLC #Regency #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture #Furniture #USSenate #USCongress #Federal #DOD #ktla5news #channel7news #Skynews #BBC #JapanTimes #dcexaminer
#EllenMJakovic #ChadTSarchio #BeckyNeal
Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4
#WhiteHouse #PresidentJoeBiden #BidenAdministration #USSupremeCourt #USSenate #USCongress #Election2024 #republicans #democrat #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel #linkedlnnews #SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #Linkedln2021USA #LinkedlnUSAEmploymentStatus #Linkedln2024Philippines #LinkedlnSmallBusiness2021 #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture #RegencyStadium #Veterans #USVeterans #USMilitaryFamily #USVeteransFamily
#IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #RebeccaBeckyNeal #ChadTSarchio #ahmadayyadregencyfurniturellc #abdulayyadregencyfurniturellc PLEASE EXPLAIN TO THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WHY A LAW ABIDING US VETERAN SPOUSE DENIED EMPLOYMENT BUT BLM, CRIMINALS, FELONS AND REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER ARE HIRED AND EMPLOYED Why the US Employment Laws are not applied equally which is Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964 and OSHA ACT 1970 #USAJOBS
#AbdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad #Regency #Furniture #LLC #thanksgiving2021 #christmas2021 #newyear2022 #AbdulAyyadRegencyFurnitureLLC #AhmadAyyadRegencyFurnitureLLC #GovGlenYoungkin #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan
#WomenRights #EllenMJakovic #ChadTSarchio #BeckyNeal #RebeccaBeckyNeal Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 #WhiteHouse #PresidentJoeBiden #BidenAdministration President Joseph Biden, You signed an executive order to stop Asian Americans Discrimination on January 26,2021 why it is perverted by #Attorneys the #SmithDowneyPA Attorneys #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller Attorneys of the Muslims Company #RegencyFurnitureLLC Owner #AbdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad disappeared with my settlement and submitted a Doctored falsified documents to Attorneys Grievance Bar Counsel and to the Office Disciplinary Bar Counsel these are absolutely fraud and no appearance of the #ArbitratorRaymondFay and #CheriLCannon whose paid in advance in amount of $30,555.90 why the Attorneys ignored the laws that you implemented #PresidentJoeBiden also the #TullyRinckeyLawfirm #TullyLegal perverted the Legal Agreement and disrespected the Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 #SeanHannity #Foxnews #RaffyTulfoInAction #OANN #ChanelRion #DanBall #Newsmax #GregKelleyReport #MichelleMalkin #grantstinchfield #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #TuckerCarlson #LauraIngraham #SteveHilton #MarkLevin #ipaglabanMoAbscbn #StevenLHerrick #StephanieRappTully #MikeCollinsFallings #Ohio #MikeFallings #phlvradio #Linkedln #GlobalNews #WorldNews #SocialMedia #RegencyStadium #PresidentDuterte #PresidentTrump #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMo #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoSaAmerica #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #pbs #patriotgazette #OFW #HomeFurnishing #LLC #Regency #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture #Furniture #USSenate #USCongress #Federal #DOD #ktla5news #channel7news #Skynews #BBC #JapanTimes #dcexaminer
#EllenMJakovic #ChadTSarchio #BeckyNeal
Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4
#WhiteHouse #PresidentJoeBiden #BidenAdministration #USSupremeCourt #USSenate #USCongress #Election2024 #republicans #democrat #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel #linkedlnnews #SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #Linkedln2021USA #LinkedlnUSAEmploymentStatus #Linkedln2024Philippines #LinkedlnSmallBusiness2021 #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture #RegencyStadium
I am an ordinary American citizen US Veteran Spouse law abiding citizen who voted to President Trump and my life destroyed I was abused discriminated mistreated worst than animals in the United States by Muslims Company #regencyfurniturellc #abdulayyad #ahmadayyad and their Attorneys Lawyers disappeared without paying my settlement and been missing #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #kerstinmiller the Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 perverted and the Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964 disregarded and OSHA violated and my Civil Rights #newsmaxtv #Newsmax #gregkelleyreport #ipaglabanmokarapatanmokabayan #Report #ussupremecourt #DOL #DCBAR #linkedin #America #MD #VA #DC #regencystadium #marlosfurniture #ashleyfurniturehomestore #FoxBaltimore
#PresidentJoeBiden #PresidentTrump #PresidentDuterte Missing Attorneys #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller Falsified Document and submitted to #DCBAR #AttorneyGrievanceBARCounsel this is Fraud under US Code 26-6663 this is a violation of Attorney Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 and Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964 For disclaimer it was the #EEOC who granted permitted allowed me to sue the Muslim Company #RegencyFurnitureLLC Owner #ABdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad and the BLM Registered Sex Offender CAL1537300 CAL1238859 #BalitangAmerica #RaffyTulfoInAction Missing Attorney disappeared did not paid #Settlement #RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture Why Regency Furniture LLC hired criminals, felons, registered BLM sex offender but denied TRUMP SUPPORTER EMPLOYMENT why the Employment Laws are not applied equally
#Christmas #NewYear #ThanksgivingDay
#RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurnitureHomestore #RegencyFurnitureLLC #ABC #BBC #BBB #Balita #breitbartnews #CNNI #Foxnews #FoxBaltimore #FoxNation #FoxBusinessNetwork #NBC #MSNBC #SkyNews #GMA #raffytulfoinaction #ErwinTulfo #ManilaBulletin #WashingtonPost #WashingtonTimes #NewYorkPost #NewYorkTimes #OANN #Philippines #Pilipino #Pilipinas #PinoyToday #USAToday #USAJOBS #GovGlennYoungkin #GovLarryHogan
#AyyadAbdulRegencyFurniture #AyyadAhmadRegencyFurniture
Veteran Spouse Lives Matter #PresidentTrump Missing Attorneys #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller Falsified Document and submitted to #DCBAR #GovGlennYoungkin #LTGovWinsomeSears #GovLarryHogan #MDAGBrianFrosh #Whitehouse #PresidentJoeBiden #PresidentDuterte #SenBongBongMarcos #BBM #AttorneyGrievanceBARCounsel this is Fraud under US Code 26-6663 this is a violation of Attorney Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 and Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964 For disclaimer it was the #EEOC who granted permitted allowed me to sue the Muslim Company #RegencyFurnitureLLC Owner #ABdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad and the BLM Registered Sex Offender CAL1537300 CAL1238859 #BalitangAmerica #RaffyTulfoInAction Missing Attorney disappeared did not paid #Settlement #RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture Why Regency Furniture LLC hired criminals, felons, registered BLM sex offender but denied TRUMP SUPPORTER EMPLOYMENT why the Employment Laws are not applied equally
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
#BalitangAmerica #BalitangUSA #ABC #BBC #BBB #ABSCBN #CBS #CNN #foxnews #oann #skynews #aljazeeranews #balitangamerica #msnbc #DCBAR #Maryland #Virginia #washingtondc #DLLR #EEOC #DailyCaller #ipaglabanmokarapatanmokabayan
Please report missing Attorney #cherilcannon paid $30,555.90 in advance no appearance and did not provided me a copies of the legal contract a copy of the settlement summary charts and receipts who works for #TullyRinckeyPLLC please #PresidentTrump help me please #gregkelleyreport #grantstinchfield Please report #ussupremecourt #attorneygrievancebarcounsel #officedisciplinarybarcounsel #thanksgiving2021 #christmas2021 #NewYear2022 #Pilipinas #FILAM #USAJOBS #Employment #rebeccabeckyneal #ellenmjakovic #chadtsarchio #juliaporter #angelawalker #hamiltonfox111
#PresidentJoeBiden #PresidentTrump #PresidentDuterte Why in America 🇺🇸 letting a Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC abused discriminated mistreated a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse a woman a grandmother abused discriminated mistreated worst than animals #GovLarryHogan #GovGlennYoungkin #BBM #SenatorBongBongMarcos #Philippines #Pilipinas #ManilaBulletin #filmcommunity
It's #VeteransDay and #VeteranSpouse left behind the Muslims Company Regency Furniture LLC abused discriminated mistreated a Veteran Spouse worst than animals and this is America why the Muslims Company in #America are permitted allowed to mistreated a US VETERAN SPOUSE WHOSE A WOMAN GRANDMOTHER LAW ABIDING CITIZEN BUT EMPLOYED HIRED CRIMINALS FELONS REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER AND BLM Why the employment laws are not applied equally #GovLarryHogan #GovGlennYoungkin #VeteransDay2021
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
Evidence proof #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #SmithDowneyPA did not tell the truth that I am not the only one who complained at the #EEOC It's #VeteransDay and #VeteranSpouse left behind the Muslims Company Regency Furniture LLC abused discriminated mistreated a Veteran Spouse worst than animals and this is America why the Muslims Company in #America are permitted allowed to mistreated a US VETERAN SPOUSE WHOSE A WOMAN GRANDMOTHER LAW ABIDING CITIZEN BUT EMPLOYED HIRED CRIMINALS FELONS REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER AND BLM Why the employment laws are not applied equally #GovLarryHogan #GovGlennYoungkin #VeteransDay2021
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
#RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurnitureHomestore #RegencyFurnitureLLC #ABC #BBC #BBB #Balita #breitbartnews #CNNI #Foxnews #FoxBaltimore #FoxNation #FoxBusinessNetwork #NBC #MSNBC #SkyNews #GMA #raffytulfoinaction #ErwinTulfo #ManilaBulletin #WashingtonPost #WashingtonTimes #NewYorkPost #NewYorkTimes #OANN #Philippines #Pilipino #Pilipinas #PinoyToday #USAToday #USAJOBS #GovGlennYoungkin #GovLarryHogan
#AyyadAbdulRegencyFurniture #AyyadAhmadRegencyFurniture
Veteran Spouse Lives Matter #PresidentTrump Missing Attorneys #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller Falsified Document and submitted to #DCBAR #GovGlennYoungkin #LTGovWinsomeSears #GovLarryHogan #MDAGBrianFrosh #Whitehouse #PresidentJoeBiden #PresidentDuterte #SenBongBongMarcos #BBM #AttorneyGrievanceBARCounsel this is Fraud under US Code 26-6663 this is a violation of Attorney Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 and Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964 For disclaimer it was the #EEOC who granted permitted allowed me to sue the Muslim Company #RegencyFurnitureLLC Owner #ABdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad and the BLM Registered Sex Offender CAL1537300 CAL1238859 #BalitangAmerica #RaffyTulfoInAction Missing Attorney disappeared did not paid #Settlement #RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture Why Regency Furniture LLC hired criminals, felons, registered BLM sex offender but denied TRUMP SUPPORTER EMPLOYMENT why the Employment Laws are not applied equally
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
#BalitangAmerica #BalitangUSA #ABC #BBC #BBB #ABSCBN #CBS #CNN #foxnews #oann #skynews #aljazeeranews #balitangamerica #msnbc #DCBAR #Maryland #Virginia #washingtondc #DLLR #EEOC #DailyCaller #ipaglabanmokarapatanmokabayan
Please report missing Attorney #cherilcannon paid $30,555.90 in advance no appearance and did not provided me a copies of the legal contract a copy of the settlement summary charts and receipts who works for #TullyRinckeyPLLC please #PresidentTrump help me please #gregkelleyreport #grantstinchfield Please report #ussupremecourt #attorneygrievancebarcounsel #officedisciplinarybarcounsel #thanksgiving2021 #christmas2021 #NewYear2022 #Pilipinas #FILAM #USAJOBS #Employment #rebeccabeckyneal #ellenmjakovic #chadtsarchio #juliaporter #angelawalker #hamiltonfox111
#PresidentJoeBiden #PresidentTrump #PresidentDuterte Why in America 🇺🇸 letting a Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC abused discriminated mistreated a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse a woman a grandmother abused discriminated mistreated worst than animals #GovLarryHogan #GovGlennYoungkin #BBM #SenatorBongBongMarcos #Philippines #Pilipinas #ManilaBulletin #filmcommunity
It's #VeteransDay and #VeteranSpouse left behind the Muslims Company Regency Furniture LLC abused discriminated mistreated a Veteran Spouse worst than animals and this is America why the Muslims Company in #America are permitted allowed to mistreated a US VETERAN SPOUSE WHOSE A WOMAN GRANDMOTHER LAW ABIDING CITIZEN BUT EMPLOYED HIRED CRIMINALS FELONS REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER AND BLM Why the employment laws are not applied equally #GovLarryHogan #GovGlennYoungkin #VeteransDay2021
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
Evidence proof #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #SmithDowneyPA did not tell the truth that I am not the only one who complained at the #EEOC It's #VeteransDay and #VeteranSpouse left behind the Muslims Company Regency Furniture LLC abused discriminated mistreated a Veteran Spouse worst than animals and this is America why the Muslims Company in #America are permitted allowed to mistreated a US VETERAN SPOUSE WHOSE A WOMAN GRANDMOTHER LAW ABIDING CITIZEN BUT EMPLOYED HIRED CRIMINALS FELONS REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER AND BLM Why the employment laws are not applied equally #GovLarryHogan #GovGlennYoungkin #VeteransDay2021
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
#EEOC #RegencyFurnitureLLC #AbdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad #DavidHu #Baltimore #Maryland #Virginia #WashingtonDC #Share #Repost Dear #DepartmentOfLabor please explain why the #USAJOBS in #America are not applied equally the Muslims Company Regency Furniture LLC hired employed BLM and Registered Sex Offender and Criminals but denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #RosemarieRhodeEEOCDirector #CivilRightsCenter #RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture #AshleyFurnitureHomeStore #LegendRestaurants #Newsmax #OANN #ipaglabanmokarapatanmokabayan #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #TullyRinckeyPLLC #CheriLCannon #MikeCollinFallings #stephanierapptully #ArbitratorRaymonFay #Brandywine #Laplata
Missing Attorneys, Disappeared, US Supreme Court, State BAR Counsel, Complaints, Michael C. Fallings - Austin, Texas, United States - LinkedIn
Douglas W. Desmarais -Baltimore -Maryland -United States - LinkedIn Cheri L. Cannon - Washington DC - United States - LinkedIn Stephanie Rapp Tully - Virginia - United States - LinkedIn #TullyRinckeyPLLCClientComplaints #TullyRinckeyPLLCFailedLegalServices #TullyRinckeyPLLCLegalMalpractices #TullyRinckeyPLLC #TullyLegal Please provide a receipts in amount of $30,555.90 Please provide a copy of the Legal Contract With Signature of Cheri L. Cannon, Mike C. Fallings, Stephanie Rapp Tully, Please provide a Settlement Summary Charts submitted to #smithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller Please provide a written explanation why #ArbitratorRaymondCFay never appeared in any Arbitration especially in Discovery Evidentiary Hearings and why NO ATTORNEYS showed up or appeared #OneNewsPage #AmericaArbitrationAssociation #StateBARCounselAssociationComplaints US Supreme Court Complaints / Tully Rinckey PLLC / Smith Downey PA / Regency Furniture LLC
#ABC #NBC #CBS #breitbartnews #Foxnews #SkyNews #BBC #BalitangAmerica #BalitangUSA #BalitangCanada #RaffyTulfoInAction #JessicaSoho #Kapuso #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMo #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel #KTLA #channel7news #FoxBaltimore #FoxNation #Fox5DC #FoxnewsBusiness #BBB #EEOC #DLLR
#SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller Please provide me the concocted manufactured fabricated falsified documents that your #Lawfirm submitted to the Office Disciplinary BAR Counsel and Attorney Grievance BAR Counsel as it violated the Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 under US CODE 26 6663 Why the needs to concocted manufactured fabricated Falsified Documents when you took an Oath to protect abide respect the laws why you did not reveal about case #CAL1238859 case #CAL1537300 also why you did not mentioned all perpetrators are all men and why you didn't reveal my coworkers witness also abuse discriminated mistreated denied employment because he was a whiteman who is gay also why you didn't mention the BLM REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER found guilty by the Judge and I won the case, why the need to ambush me as a Law Abiding Citizen US VETERAN SPOUSE please explain to the US SUPREME COURT NINE JUSTICES as Women Rights in America exist and Human Rights.
#PresidentJoeBiden #PresidentTrump #PresidentDuterte Missing Attorneys #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller Falsified Document and submitted to #DCBAR #AttorneyGrievanceBARCounsel this is Fraud under US Code 26-6663 this is a violation of Attorney Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 and Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964 For disclaimer it was the #EEOC who granted permitted allowed me to sue the Muslim Company #RegencyFurnitureLLC Owner #ABdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad and the BLM Registered Sex Offender CAL1537300 CAL1238859 #BalitangAmerica #RaffyTulfoInAction Missing Attorney disappeared did not paid #Settlement #RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture Why Regency Furniture LLC hired criminals, felons, registered BLM sex offender but denied TRUMP SUPPORTER EMPLOYMENT why the Employment Laws are not applied equally
#RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurnitureHomestore #RegencyFurnitureLLC #ABC #BBC #BBB #Balita #breitbartnews #CNNI #Foxnews #FoxBaltimore #FoxNation #FoxBusinessNetwork #NBC #MSNBC #SkyNews #GMA #raffytulfoinaction #ErwinTulfo #ManilaBulletin #WashingtonPost #WashingtonTimes #NewYorkPost #NewYorkTimes #OANN #Philippines #Pilipino #Pilipinas #PinoyToday #USAToday #USAJOBS #GovGlennYoungkin #GovLarryHogan
#AyyadAbdulRegencyFurniture #AyyadAhmadRegencyFurniture
Veteran Spouse Lives Matter #PresidentTrump Missing Attorneys #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller Falsified Document and submitted to #DCBAR #GovGlennYoungkin #LTGovWinsomeSears #GovLarryHogan #MDAGBrianFrosh #Whitehouse #PresidentJoeBiden #PresidentDuterte #SenBongBongMarcos #BBM #AttorneyGrievanceBARCounsel this is Fraud under US Code 26-6663 this is a violation of Attorney Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 and Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964 For disclaimer it was the #EEOC who granted permitted allowed me to sue the Muslim Company #RegencyFurnitureLLC Owner #ABdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad and the BLM Registered Sex Offender CAL1537300 CAL1238859 #BalitangAmerica #RaffyTulfoInAction Missing Attorney disappeared did not paid #Settlement #RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture Why Regency Furniture LLC hired criminals, felons, registered BLM sex offender but denied TRUMP SUPPORTER EMPLOYMENT why the Employment Laws are not applied equally
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
#BalitangAmerica #BalitangUSA #ABC #BBC #BBB #ABSCBN #CBS #CNN #foxnews #oann #skynews #aljazeeranews #balitangamerica #msnbc #DCBAR #Maryland #Virginia #washingtondc #DLLR #EEOC #DailyCaller #ipaglabanmokarapatanmokabayan
Please report missing Attorney #cherilcannon paid $30,555.90 in advance no appearance and did not provided me a copies of the legal contract a copy of the settlement summary charts and receipts who works for #TullyRinckeyPLLC please #PresidentTrump help me please #gregkelleyreport #grantstinchfield Please report #ussupremecourt #attorneygrievancebarcounsel #officedisciplinarybarcounsel #thanksgiving2021 #christmas2021 #NewYear2022 #Pilipinas #FILAM #USAJOBS #Employment #rebeccabeckyneal #ellenmjakovic #chadtsarchio #juliaporter #angelawalker #hamiltonfox111
#PresidentJoeBiden #PresidentTrump #PresidentDuterte Why in America 🇺🇸 letting a Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC abused discriminated mistreated a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse a woman a grandmother abused discriminated mistreated worst than animals #GovLarryHogan #GovGlennYoungkin #BBM #SenatorBongBongMarcos #Philippines #Pilipinas #ManilaBulletin #filmcommunity
It's #VeteransDay and #VeteranSpouse left behind the Muslims Company Regency Furniture LLC abused discriminated mistreated a Veteran Spouse worst than animals and this is America why the Muslims Company in #America are permitted allowed to mistreated a US VETERAN SPOUSE WHOSE A WOMAN GRANDMOTHER LAW ABIDING CITIZEN BUT EMPLOYED HIRED CRIMINALS FELONS REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER AND BLM Why the employment laws are not applied equally #GovLarryHogan #GovGlennYoungkin #VeteransDay2021
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
Evidence proof #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #SmithDowneyPA did not tell the truth that I am not the only one who complained at the #EEOC It's #VeteransDay and #VeteranSpouse left behind the Muslims Company Regency Furniture LLC abused discriminated mistreated a Veteran Spouse worst than animals and this is America why the Muslims Company in #America are permitted allowed to mistreated a US VETERAN SPOUSE WHOSE A WOMAN GRANDMOTHER LAW ABIDING CITIZEN BUT EMPLOYED HIRED CRIMINALS FELONS REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER AND BLM Why the employment laws are not applied equally #GovLarryHogan #GovGlennYoungkin #VeteransDay2021
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
#RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurnitureHomestore #RegencyFurnitureLLC #ABC #BBC #BBB #Balita #breitbartnews #CNNI #Foxnews #FoxBaltimore #FoxNation #FoxBusinessNetwork #NBC #MSNBC #SkyNews #GMA #raffytulfoinaction #ErwinTulfo #ManilaBulletin #WashingtonPost #WashingtonTimes #NewYorkPost #NewYorkTimes #OANN #Philippines #Pilipino #Pilipinas #PinoyToday #USAToday #USAJOBS #GovGlennYoungkin #GovLarryHogan
#AyyadAbdulRegencyFurniture #AyyadAhmadRegencyFurniture
Veteran Spouse Lives Matter #PresidentTrump Missing Attorneys #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller Falsified Document and submitted to #DCBAR #GovGlennYoungkin #LTGovWinsomeSears #GovLarryHogan #MDAGBrianFrosh #Whitehouse #PresidentJoeBiden #PresidentDuterte #SenBongBongMarcos #BBM #AttorneyGrievanceBARCounsel this is Fraud under US Code 26-6663 this is a violation of Attorney Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 and Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964 For disclaimer it was the #EEOC who granted permitted allowed me to sue the Muslim Company #RegencyFurnitureLLC Owner #ABdulAyyad #AhmadAyyad and the BLM Registered Sex Offender CAL1537300 CAL1238859 #BalitangAmerica #RaffyTulfoInAction Missing Attorney disappeared did not paid #Settlement #RegencyStadium #MarlosFurniture #AshleyFurniture Why Regency Furniture LLC hired criminals, felons, registered BLM sex offender but denied TRUMP SUPPORTER EMPLOYMENT why the Employment Laws are not applied equally
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
#BalitangAmerica #BalitangUSA #ABC #BBC #BBB #ABSCBN #CBS #CNN #foxnews #oann #skynews #aljazeeranews #balitangamerica #msnbc #DCBAR #Maryland #Virginia #washingtondc #DLLR #EEOC #DailyCaller #ipaglabanmokarapatanmokabayan
Please report missing Attorney #cherilcannon paid $30,555.90 in advance no appearance and did not provided me a copies of the legal contract a copy of the settlement summary charts and receipts who works for #TullyRinckeyPLLC please #PresidentTrump help me please #gregkelleyreport #grantstinchfield Please report #ussupremecourt #attorneygrievancebarcounsel #officedisciplinarybarcounsel #thanksgiving2021 #christmas2021 #NewYear2022 #Pilipinas #FILAM #USAJOBS #Employment #rebeccabeckyneal #ellenmjakovic #chadtsarchio #juliaporter #angelawalker #hamiltonfox111
#PresidentJoeBiden #PresidentTrump #PresidentDuterte Why in America 🇺🇸 letting a Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC abused discriminated mistreated a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse a woman a grandmother abused discriminated mistreated worst than animals #GovLarryHogan #GovGlennYoungkin #BBM #SenatorBongBongMarcos #Philippines #Pilipinas #ManilaBulletin #filmcommunity
It's #VeteransDay and #VeteranSpouse left behind the Muslims Company Regency Furniture LLC abused discriminated mistreated a Veteran Spouse worst than animals and this is America why the Muslims Company in #America are permitted allowed to mistreated a US VETERAN SPOUSE WHOSE A WOMAN GRANDMOTHER LAW ABIDING CITIZEN BUT EMPLOYED HIRED CRIMINALS FELONS REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER AND BLM Why the employment laws are not applied equally #GovLarryHogan #GovGlennYoungkin #VeteransDay2021
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
Evidence proof #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #SmithDowneyPA did not tell the truth that I am not the only one who complained at the #EEOC It's #VeteransDay and #VeteranSpouse left behind the Muslims Company Regency Furniture LLC abused discriminated mistreated a Veteran Spouse worst than animals and this is America why the Muslims Company in #America are permitted allowed to mistreated a US VETERAN SPOUSE WHOSE A WOMAN GRANDMOTHER LAW ABIDING CITIZEN BUT EMPLOYED HIRED CRIMINALS FELONS REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER AND BLM Why the employment laws are not applied equally #GovLarryHogan #GovGlennYoungkin #VeteransDay2021
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
President Trump, President Duterte, President Biden these are the Muslims Employers who abused discriminated mistreated me worst than animals and Attorneys who perverted the rules of laws and disappeared with my #Settlement
Disclaimer it was the #EEOC who permitted grants allowed me to sue the Muslim Company Regency Furniture LLC
#SocialMedia #WorldNews #GlobalNews #OnlineNews #phlvradio #BalitangAmerica #ManilaBulletin #PresidentTrump #PresidentJoeBiden #WhiteHouse #RaffyTulfoInAction #AONN #WalangIwananKapitBisigTayoOFW #IpaglabanMoKarapatanMoKabayan #ABSCBN #GMA #JessicaSoho #SenatorMannyPacquiao #ABC #NBC #CBS #CNNI #BBC #Skynews #JapanTimes #Foxnews #Fox5dc #FoxnewsRadio #dcexaminer #ktla5news #channel7news #AttorneyGrievanceBarCounsel #OfficeDisciplinaryBarCounsel
Missing Attorneys Missing Muslims Employers who did not paid my #Settlement #SmithDowneyPA #DouglasWDesmarais #KerstinMiller #AbdulAyyad CAL1238859 #AhmadAyyad CAL1537300
No Attorneys above the laws Attorneys Act Laws Rule 19.308.4 No Muslims Employers or Muslim Company in America should abused discriminated mistreated denied employment to a law abiding citizen US VETERAN Spouse #Christian Title V11 Civil Rights Act 1964
Attorney Douglas Desmarais explain in writing why #ArbitratorRaymondFay never appeared in any schedule hearing as it was you who arranged the schedule hearing please explain #SeanHannity #MarkLevin #MichelleMalkin #TuckerCarlson #SteveHilton #SteveAngeles #RodneyJaleco #LauraIngraham #grantstinchfield #GregKelleyReport #ChrisSalcedo #DanBall #ChanelRion #GarySinise #JonVoight #Kapamilya #BeckyNeal #LisaPiccinini #JuliaPorter #AngelaWalker #HamiltonFox111 #USAJOBS #Employment #Federal #DOD #California #NewYork #Ohio #America #NewYork #NewJersey #Virginia #Maryland #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #Florida #America #USA
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