MG Show - The [DS] Has Lost Control, Do You See The Corruption, Deep Clean

2 years ago

(Note: I have had a recent rash of video clips that involved the Mandela Effect and now all the current Ukrainian issues with Neo-Nazis and the symbolism used, namely the Black Sun, as shown in the thumbnail above. Back in March 2020, I was playing at my last mass (it was the first or second Sunday of Lent before I was laid-off as a church musician because of the Covid restrictions) and a couple of hours before mass I started having symptoms of an aural migraine that I get from time to time, but not for many years. A strange phenomenon where you get random flashing light patterns in your field of view before the onset of a bad migraine headache. If I quickly take a Tylenol and lay down in a dark room it passes in a couple of hours without the resulting migraine. In this case it wasn’t random or a coincidence. For the sake of space, I believe this phenomenon is linked to your pineal gland and in this case, I had a fully resolved pattern of the Black Sun symbol in my field of view. At the time I had no idea what the pattern was, but reminded me of a symmetrical crop circle pattern. Later I spent hours researching crop circles and sure enough I found the exact pattern with even the distinct angles of the pattern facing the same direction. I believe that the Covid plandemic, death vaccine, NWO agenda and recent Ukraine events all have to do with the Neo-Nazis and these Black Sun occult Satanists. The key is what is being done in secret there involving all these corrupt politicians and the like. Gene Decode speaks at length about this Nazi cult still runs both the off world and everything on earth here, however not for long, in this spiritual warfare, as these criminals and enemies of humanity are exposed. The Black Sun is mentioned, yet again, in this video at 36:00. ) Marcum MyCatholicRedPill)

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April 23rd, 2022.
Today’s Guest: Jeff (intheMatrixxx) & Shannon (ShadyGrooove)
Website: MG Show
Jeffrey Pedersen (intheMatrixxx) and Shannon Townsend (ShadyGrooove), the MG Show is a collaborative vision rapidly becoming one of the most-watched and widely recognized alternative media. Their desire to turn knowledge into action has positively impacted people around the world. The world is seeing the truth, the [DS] has lost control and the patriots are on the hunt, people can now see the corruption, deep clean in progress

(Note: In my research, as a Canadian, I can assure you that Dominion Voting machines are used in key areas of Canada during a federal election. Do you think the Trudeau government actually had the votes to win the last snap election or any election in the past decade? So not only are un-elected medical officials dictating their evil psychopathic genocide narrative, corrupt media, but most likely dictated down by an illegitimate government - exactly as in the USA and other world countries.

(Note: In the USA you have these so-called RINOs (In Name Only), we have these hack politicians (In Name Only) like Erin O’Toole in Canada as well. Either paid-off, idiots or demonic psychopaths who sold their souls. With election fixes in, how many politicians or un-elected medical officials are part of this planned genocide and plandemic? They will have a lot to answer for in this life or the next. See: Canada's Chad EP. 86 - O'Toole Won't Support Truckers. )

THE FORUM OF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS (Shaping the future) – Graduates Angela Merkel, Bill Gates, Jens Spahn, and Justin Trudeau among others. Global genocide planned for decades with certain leaders placed in position or through fraud elections. Trudeau was purposely positioned as our Prime Minister for this exact point of time.

“The Young Global Leaders … aligned with the World Economic Forum’s mission, we seek to drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest. We are united by the belief that today’s pressing problems present an opportunity to build a better future across sectors and boundaries.” ...It's A Big Club And You Ain't In It.



Here is an example link. Do these Canadian Dominion Machine voting delays and excuses sound familiar as the alleged cheating is tabulated?

PROOF Our Elections Have Been RIGGED Since 2000

Dominion Voting Systems has a history of controversy in Canadian elections

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